They are killing healthcare today.
Do not look at any shiny objects.
I’m not saying that “no people whose color has not been applied by " tanning butler” need apply isn’t dreadful, and that the abomination didn’t manage to distract the country from helping actual citizens in Texas, Florida and ESPECIALLY Puerto Rico who are currently suffering from a tragic lack of Red Cross-certified tanning butlers, along with such fripperies as food, water, shelter, and electricity. It was only 90 degrees here in Indianapolis yesterday, and up in Minneapolis the heat index hit 106.
So let’s all concentrate on the latest clown-car show, FLAGS!!! MOOSLIM TERRORISTS!! HILLARY!!!
Meanwhile the Kochs and Mercers take healthcare away.
A Venezuela travel ban I totally get. Ever since a bunch of Venezuelans dropped The Towers I’ve been worried more of them were coming for us. Venezuela would be smart to emulate Saudi Arabia, that way their nationals could again visit the United States and foster good relations.
In a world where “President Gooberfucksmackme” exists,we’re quibbling?
op. cit.
This is not a Muslim ban, because there are few Muslims in Venezuela, and hardly any in North Korea.