To Trump’s devotees, even if the CIA people didn’t act like they disapprove of Obama, they should’ve, and that’s all that matters.
Trump’s assessment of Obama’s mentality is frankly unfortunate smack talk. Treat it as such and monitor the briefings as much as possible for both candidates (Paul Ryan). Penalize his briefers if its necessary to send a message that they aren’t supposed to be partisan.
However anything extraordinary is asking for it.
can’t do that.
He’s entitled to those briefings.
More crap. He can say anything he thinks up about the briefings (as long as nothing "classified’ is ‘leaked’) because nobody on the intelligence side can say anything at all. Screw him.
Like facts, intelligence tends to have a liberal bias.
If only Trump was capable of comporting himself with a modicum of professionalism.
Ah… no. The CIA has to set up a SCIF for each of these briefings. If they allowed any recording devices it would be career suicide.
by precedent, not by law.
just as releasing one’s taxes is by precedent, not by law.
since nothing about this election is “normal”, perhaps it’s time to change things up this cycle…
then any future Trump restriction is based off of what?
So now we have a serious question about Mr. Drumpf. Was he lying about what he was told or can he be trusted with a secret? The answer is obvious. Yes he was lying and no he can’t be trusted.
I missed it in the comments, but what does “HO” refer to please??
“Hillary’s Opponent” or “His Orangeness.”
Take your pick.
“Hillary’s Opponent”
“Her Opponent”
“His Orangeness”
POTUS uses “Her Opponent” in full refering to HO
If he went that route he wouldn’t be popular in his circle. They admire his ballz to the wall, untethered ramblings of “something going on,” and rugged individualism that he portrays but doesn’t possess. He plays the know-it-all but hasn’t a clue and nether do his supporters.
Trump is SUCH a liar and yet the media and his peeps lap it up. I despair.
So once again Trump lies. This latest lie is yet another example of his habit of making thing up on a regular basis.
He has lied about almost everything he has spoken of. At the same time the media continues to make up stuff about Clinton claiming she is not trustworthy. The only logical explanation for this is that the media is so desperate to make the Presidential campaign a horse race that they will stake the deck with out regard to reality.
Perhaps the only part of the system that is less honest than Trump is the mrdia.
Thanks to you and thunderclapnewman. Nice to have options wherein one does not have to utter or cite his name!
The ever-reliable H. L. Mencken nails the modern GOP—from the grave.
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
H. L. Mencken
It no longer matters. America is so full of hateful ignorant mouth-breathers thirsty for authoritarianism, facts are simply a quaint relic of the past.
…too many big words and no TV screen.