Discussion: Church Sues After Fresno Strips Polling Site Status Over 'Black Lives Matter' Banners

I suspect it was less a judgement by the city and more that someone had complained period. Not that that makes it okay.

The lack of polling station was. The redistricting itself sure wasn’t. I could walk to four separate congressional districts, which variously stretched to Houston, the Mexican border, Fort Worth, and I forget where the other went. Part of the problem was that there’s a swath of state-owned land with no population, but lots of large office buildings, and we voted at one of them which ended up on the wrong side of the district line. It wasn’t too long before the lines were redrawn so that we could vote in the HHS building that is actually quite a bit closer.

For one small election in that period, maybe for a school bond or something, the polling station was some MHMR office lobby that could only accommodate two or three voters at a time. It was like voting in an elevator. I had to wait outside for my turn.

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I agree x 1000. I understand that the buildings are underused on Tuesdays, and generally have ample free parking, but it is the wrong message. I’m as nonviolently opposed to any state support or endorsement for any church as one can be. We free-church types really don’t like or trust it.

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I lived just south of Fresno up until a year ago. My polling place was the Mormon Church. Fuck that and fuck Fresno.

2010 Census figures for Fresno County show 55.4% white, 50.3% Hispanic (can be any race), 1.7% Native American, 5.3% African-American, 9.6% Asian (the largest Asian population being Hmong), 46.9% “of Mexican descent,” and 23.3% identifying as “other races,” which probably means people filling out the census questionnaire using country of origin. I don’t know how statisticians sort out the overlapping categories. But with figures like that, you’d think the county clerk could be generous enough to allow that this very small percentage of blacks could “matter.”

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Indeed…don’t even get me started on the male ones…we’ll be here all fucking day haha

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I was actually from the upper Mohave Desert. Should have clarified.

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Maybe Ridgecrest or Barstow.

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