Discussion: Church Sues After Fresno Strips Polling Site Status Over 'Black Lives Matter' Banners

Brandi, you’re a fine girl bigot…


Leave it to Republicans to claim victimhood by somebody else saying, “Our lives matter, too.”


Yea but you are on the wrong side of the law.

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I watched this video yesterday. It was hard not to cry. The anguish in the woman’s voice as she begged them to back off…


Disappointing, yet not surprising.

Originally from California (long ago), people ask me Northern or Southern California. I draw funny looks when I say Eastern California (that would include Fresno).

To me there has always been a strong social, cultural, and political divide between coastal California, with an invisible line now bowing out east to include Sacramento, and the eastern less populated parts.

While certainly changing politically with more immigration and mobility, in the Eastern California where I spent my childhood, you could have easily been anywhere in rural America whether western Pennsylvania, Alabama, eastern Washington state, Oklahoma . . .


Not terribly familiar with the CA landscape, so to speak, but it looks like Fresno only has like 8% black population. Is this CA conservative racism country akin to San Diego?

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it’s been displaying the banners since August 2017 and kept the signs at a distance of over 100 feet from the polling place, as California’s anti-electioneering law requires.

Electioneering for what? Basic civil rights?

Go Unitarians!


She needs to sue the police department. They have their guns pointed in her direction and placing her in their line of fire.


ETA: And you just look at them all, sitting there, piling up, waiting for a chance to pull the trigger. And what’s with the two women officers? They were there first. They need backup to apprehend a guy on his knees with his hands behind his head behaving in a calm manner and telling them he’s not armed? What fucking good are they? Why should I defend women on the force or in the armed services if that’s the kind of shit I have to look at? And is one of them holding a shotgun of all fucking things? WTFuckingF? That whole episode is a fucking disgrace from top to bottom …a pathetic mixture of racial fear and loathing intertwined with almost sexual gratification from the opportunity to behave in an authoritarian manner…and some people should be getting suspended.


I agree. But, I have voted in a church and a grade school over the years. Didn’t feel right in either. A church is something I only walk into these days for weddings and funerals. My City seems to be moving away from those types of sites, thank goodness.


It’s CA Central Valley agrarian/agribusiness Redneckistan. But there’s a sizable Hispanic community that might change things in the future. They are really into taxpayer funded water projects to get themselves cheap irrigation water. Bucolic “socialism”


Naturalists discover: Cows actually tweet!

Just ask him out already 🐮 https://t.co/CV6xLD0ICv

— Devin Nunes’ cow 🐮 (@DevinCow) June 9, 2019

Retweet, also too -

Don't let the inanity of Trump's "beautiful letter" comment cause you to miss the big news here: Trump took Kim Jong Un's side against the CIA. https://t.co/4DNFAJIGUW

— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) June 11, 2019

After a voter complained that the church was boosting a “known domestic terrorist group,”

??? Based upon what ??? Some racist’s opinion supported by total fabrication ?


lol’d. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Shtupping brilliant.

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I love how, under the first one, people immediately launch into a “you really don’t want to play the ‘what if President Obama had done this game’” and proceed to school the shit out of him on it hahaha

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Having lived for a year in Merced, I like this, but would write it as “Bucolic socialism” to hint at how it differs from that commie socialism that wants to give all my hard earned money to the lazy welfare people who should be grateful that we give them the same right to sleep under the bridges that we give the millionaires. “Bucolic socialism” covers economically essential payments like crop subsidies, water subsidies, government subsidized agricultural research and agribusiness corporate subsidies.

Oh, and support for limiting the Hispanic vote through intimidation to make sure we keep all the rural seats nice and safely Red - because “Better Red Than Democrat!”, or something…


I saw my first real-live Nazi on the RT in Sacramento. Shirt open to the navel, giant tattoo of an eagle with spread wings, a swastika enblazoned across that.

Rush Limbaugh’s broadcast birthplace.

Nor do you have to go all that far east. Friend of mine (African American) tells me his cortisol rises the minute he crosses the Carquinez Bridge. About 15 miles inland from the coast, just about directly north from Oakland/Richmond.

Go north, same thing happens. Crescent City ain’t San Francisco.


a voter complained that the church was boosting a “known domestic terrorist group,”

What? It’s not like they were registering GOP voters.


CA ain’t been blue all that long. But I think we are the place of the blue backlash.

Pete Wilson and Prop 187 seemed to have been the turning point, although it did take some time for the Titanic to turn around after that. We gave the world Ronald Fucking Reagan, of course.* You’re welcome.

######*(And we went for him 52-35 in 1980 and 57-41 in '84. Not to mention Bush I 51-47 in '88.)


I don’t think that there should be polling sites to begin with. This is the 21st Century. There are entire states that do elections solely by mail-in ballots (with drop off sites, which could be located at community buildings like churches). All this stuff about “oh no it’s the only polling place for miles!” or “there are half as many polling places for black people than white” could be easily sidestepped by just doing a vote-by-mail system.

California is amazing at wasting resources though, and running polling places even though we have a US postal service is one of the ways it does so.


Well, we’re working hard on keeping Them from voting, though.

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