Discussion: Christie Works To Woo Iowa's Christian Conservatives

Discussion for article #232456

Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo
Only word that makes sense in the whole article. Woo Woo



Christie has as much chance winning over Iowa’s Christian conservatives as he does winning the GOP nomination; which is to say, none at all. Dude, your own state doesn’t even like you.


There’s film at 11:00, and 12:00 and 1:00 and 2:00 and… The guy’s as obnoxious as Jersey’s reputation, and he has a record of failure, debt, and downgrades; while also being “involved with” a US Attorney’s investigation that has many, many angles well beyond Bridgegate. Save the ink, it’s not happening.


“Republicans are not going to win a national election unless voters have an emotional attachment to our candidate,” said Jeff Boeyink, former chief of staff to Iowa’s supreme ruler Terry Branstad, who would be expected to play a key role in Iowa for Christie. “Chris Christie has that ability.”

The emotions would be fear of retaliation, hopelessness against voter suppression efforts, and resignation to their fate. The Teahadis will let this be known soon enough.


I think Gov. Christie will be as popular as Rudy Giuliani in Iowa. If you recall, Giuliani declined to even run in the Iowa Caucuses…Perhaps Christie will do almost as well!

We want Christie in the mix.
I hope enough Iowans show interest to give him some momentum.

I’m heavily invested in 2016 popcorn futures and we need him in the debates.


Christie Works To Woo Iowa’s Christian Conservatives

My condolences to both parties.


Time for some traffic problems in Iowa… Haha…


Once Palin jumps in popcorn will go sky-high…but only for a couple of weeks…The half campagin, half term gov…


Yeah, Chris, those Iowa farmers just love fat slob wiseguys from NJ.

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There will be few things as sweet as watching Christie go down, and go down hard, in the first primary election. I predict less than 5% of the vote, no matter his competition. Heck, I know Republicans who say they would vote for Hillary before they would vote for Christie.

Perhaps he should tell them a folksy tale about how he wore bread bags, over his only good pair of shoes on rainy days back in Jersey, when he was just a poor white boy… I’m sure they could all relate to him then,

We wore breadbags over our shoes to get them into our galoshes. It was more to reduce the rubber-on-rubber friction than for any waterproofing. I’m pretty sure that’s why the Ernsts did it too.

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"A Bridge Too Far"

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Christie’s strategy: I may not hate exactly the same people who you hate, but my hatred is passionate and pure.

You know, I could see the hoopleheads going for that.

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The only promise that donut’ dik’ Chris Christie could ever make and keep to Iowa Rightie Christian Wingnuts is that he will never stop being a raging screamaholic’ dick.

ManO’Man…The GOP primaries are already shaping up to resemble one of those old “Police Academy” movies. I can’t wait for Christie to lose it and bully scream at Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or (god willing) Jeb Bush, “YOU____ shut it! Shut it! You sit down and shut up! Capische?”
Or…Seeing Christie over-sugar himself into a near coma and begin to wander about the stage looking for a fresh donut’!

“…I’ll be myself and we’ll see how Iowans like that…”

If they don’t, they’d better plan on leaving a wee bit earlier for their morning commute.