Because Donnie liked her better than you, Chris.
“Now, an administration where top advisers cackled as they used law enforcement resources to intentionally snarl traffic to an entire city for a week as political retribution against the mayor for not supporting me, that’s how a really professional organization works! That’s the kind of top-notch, sober outfit Trump could have had if he’d kept me.”
"…And I think that’s one of the reasons they got rid of me, was because they didn’t want to have somebody who had been an executive in government, who was an executive in government at that time. Who had run two transitions of his own. Who could call BS on a lot of the stuff, and the people they were suggesting.”
Oh, Chris, you spoiled the magic of the moment ! Shame on you !
Why not announce your 2020 run now and get over it ?
She was there because she was like everyone else in the WH – unethical, self-centered, and second rate mobsters. Sorta just like you.
Interesting that Mr 24% Approval Rating won’t come out and say why he was not given the cabinet position he wanted: Because he put Jared’s father in the hoosegow. We’re not to the point yet where this can be said live on air.
He talks about it in his book and at least referred to it on CNN though I don’t know if he said directly on air that that’s why he was fired.
Christie claims that the younger Kushner was behind his departure from Trump’s inner circle after the 2016 election, writing that he was “still apparently seething over events that had occurred a decade ago.”
What the hell is somebody like Donald Trump doing in the White House, for that matter?
This shtick would be more believable if he wandered around in a toga carrying a lamp.
I dislike Chris Christie. I can’t wait for his book tour to end. He is one of the most self-serving, self-promoting hypocrites out there.
His schtick about the entire Administration being an unmitigated sh#!show, but the guy leading it being some kind of genius strains credulity and is wearing very thin.
I don’t know you fat dick. But having fluffed for individual 1, and helped elect him, you are not exactly in a place to complain. That Russian agent 1 has a weakness for ego boosting grifters should have been clear to you. Afterall that was how and why you got close to him.
And you forgot the number one qualification for any job with Donald Trump’s shitty wholly owned businesses or his Administration- being a first class sycophant and ass kisser.
All of the above being as it may, it is also most ironic that Christie’s statement about Omarosa’s, Kushner’s and Bannon’s lack of qualifications were made on a show called “Cuomo Prime Time,” where the young, unqualified son of a totally image spun Governor of New York was given a top job on a national news network exclusively because of his father, their last name, and the Mario Cuomo’s biological imperative to achieve the US Presidency for his family, complete with first son Andrew’s first marriage into the hallowed Kennedy family and his appointment to run HUD, after a short legal career where his main qualification was being Mario Cuomo’s son. I happen to know a law school classmate of Andrew Cuomo. He was the class laughingstock. Dumb as a rock and grandiose.
I don’t know Chris. What the fuck was somebody like YOU doing in Drumthwacket?
Because God wanted her there, Chris. Not your tubby butt. Does this guy know anything about GOP Theology?
Huckster, egomaniac ex-Governor trying to sell books about a “Reality Show” dysfunctional Presidency?? I’d say that’s a slam dunk!
I mean, what the hell was somebody like Omarosa ever doing in the White House?”
Recording the cray cray.
Yeah really a black woman with a mind of her own, wtf!
What the hell is Trump doing in the White House?