Trump respects autocrats and dictators that lead other nations. Period. And it’s more envy than respect at that.
Respects…fears, tomayto…tomahto.
Modern-day Presidential.
He doesn’t give nicknames to people who he thinks will come back at him and who he thinks will be a problem.
Trump must own a bridge somewhere.
He’s such an idiot.
“High Tax, High Crime Pelosi” may not roll off the tongue, but…
I don’t think its “respect” a narcissist is incapable of respect. I actually think it is fear. He (rightly) fears what she will do to him.
Trump is deeply exposed, and has done a lot of things that will land him and his kids in jail. This is why he worked so hard to obstruct justice. He knows, deep down someplace, that Nancy is not going to cave into to him, and will do what is necessary to expose him.
No, Jersey Jelly. Trump hasn’t given Pelosi a nickname because
A.) It will be severely lame-ass and most certainly misogynist, and
B.) Pelosi’s comeback will result in her feeding his severed testicles to the abandoned puppies at the local pound.
“But Nancy Pelosi’s got no nickname. It’s just Nancy. And if she doesn’t have a nickname by now, she ain’t getting any.”
Good Lord - this sounds like C-level dialogue straight out of a gangsta flick. Rump is a sociopath so he respects NO ONE including Fatty McFat. He didn’t get a nickname to his face. You can best believe he got one when he was told to go fetch down hamberders for the sc*mbag to snarf down.
“You’ll notice that I never got a nickname. Right?"
time to do laundry #thatsnothowanyofthisworks
I clicked on this by accident so it’s not a vital bit of commentary on a burning issue of our day BUT for God’s sake Krispie it doesn’t occur to you he just can’t think of anything? Those others are low-level schoolyard taunts, lunkhead taunts. And he’s proud of them and thinks they’re the height of wit. This suggests his ability is somewhat limited in this regard. To meet you halfway, I might agree that part of the problem is Nancy’s salient characteristic is that she kicks his ass every time they sit down to play. It’s hard to make a good put-down out of that. But I don’t think “respect” is exactly the word. P.S. You don’t have a public nickname because you toadied outrageously. Bet you have a private one based on some fairly obvious characteristic.
He doesn’t give nicknames to people who he thinks will come back at him and who he thinks may sit on him
Yeah, don’t let Christie mistake you for a beach chair.
Oh please. Aren’t you the guy Trump ordered to go fetch cheeseburgers? And the guy Trump ordered dinner for, purposefully ordering dishes you hated? He’d never do that to Pelosi, and if he did try, she’d tell him that wasn’t going to fly. So what I’m trying to say is; Chris, you’re no Nancy Pelosi.
Trump respects Pelosi? What a laugh.
You can see the fear in his eyes.
Or maybe its a deer in the headlights.
tRump hasn’t given Pelosi a disrespectful nickname because she has him by the balls. Or, what ever he has down there.
Trump respects a woman? Come over to this side of the desk and listen to yourself!
the only way he thinks he can insult SPEAKER PELOSI is to call her by her first name…never her title ;SPEAKER’ or MADAME SPEAKER’… his ill-manners are showing…must be his NY-NJ up bringing. he is rude and uncouth…and a loud mouth.
These are indeed the musings of the contemporary statesman.