Discussion for article #245176
But the governor said he’s “glad” Trump won’t attend the debate, as it will open up “more time for the rest of us on the stage.”
But the governor said he's "glad" Trump won't attend the debate, as it will open up "more ***ROOM*** for the rest of us on the stage."
“America wants a fighter who’s not going to walk away from a fight, but will walk into one,” Christie added. (Gov. Chris Christie)
No, sir, America wants a leader that knows how to avoid a fight.
OT: Gov. Christie appears to be winning the fight with regards to his weight issue. I am very sincere when I say kudos to Gov. Christie. I have family members who are battling weight issues, as well. It can be very difficult, I know, but it helps to see when others are achieving some success. Again, kudos to you, Gov. Christie, and all the best with your health.
I really don’t understand how you win at Bitch Slap Politics by refusing to debate because the moderator might ask scary questions. If the other candidates don’t pummel the crap out of not-there-Trump, they’re wasting oxygen.
“I got knocked down from the main debate stage to the undercard debate by Fox Business News. I thought it was unfair, but I didn’t whine. I didn’t complain.”
No. You just whine and complain when you’re asked questions by a young constituent about your responsibilities as Governor, you fucking weasel. And then you have the nerve to blow it off as some kind of joke. No one’s laughing asshole except your hired sycophants, in case you haven’t noticed. You’re an unscrupulous, arrogant, PoS that believes put-downs makes you some kind of tough guy. Go fuck yourself.
Ah yes. I’m sure Trump is going to take advice from ChristieCreme. Because certainly being tied for last place is a position of strength that Trump admires.
Okay there Storm Chaser, whatever you say,
I think it’s really important to remember exactly what Trump was pissed off at Megynnnn for in the first place: she repeated his own words back to him. His grade school overreaction to that simple fact epitomizes the republican personality. To them it’s not “thin skinned”, it’s standing up to people who don’t treat them “fairly”.
Pot, meet Kettle!
Man, when Chris Christie is taunting you for being thin-skinned, you know it’s serious.
So much projection going on in their field…
One thing Christie has never been called is thin skinned. Or thin legged, thin headed, thin necked, thin waisted. However he is a whiny ass baby who can’t take tough questions. Especially at town hall meetings from those scary third grade teachers in NJ.
None of them really want to be at this debate…with or without Trump. They’ve done this too many times already and just end up looking stupid because that’s what their conservative platform is.
None of these GOP losers are up to doing the job of president…right.
It would be so embarrassing to be elected and then have to quit like Palin did in Alaska. Or stay and cause another worldwide banking collapse, Great Depression, invade the wrong country…it goes on and on about what they are sure to do wrong.
The Silent Majority can’t take a chance with any of Republican as president now and all the Republican candidates on both of their stages know it. The GOP can’t even put the all on one stage at a time. They are like unwanted guests that never leave.
This campaign and all the GOP debates have become one big exercise in futility. Trump is just saying “uncle” and getting the *ell out of there while he still has a leg to stand on. Who is ever going to give him a reality show again after what has happened? He’s even lost his spot at the Faux News desk.
The GOP candidates and their “debates” etc. are a winner for the media and pundits, maybe not for the actual “candidates”, hard to say about any of this anymore. Trump will probably gain another 10% support for giving the entire bandwagon his middle finger. In a way, I think Trump is doing the right thing, for him anyhow, and probably for his entire run for president. Remember, he’s done almost everything imaginable by now to convince us he’s doomed. Not yet! We’re the ones who are doomed.
“How thin-skinned is he…?” Obviously Christie never saw Trump fuming at the WH Correspondence Dinner years ago when President Obama made a fool out of him, it was priceless.