3 people broke into the court house on election night, so I’ll take my $3,000 in cash up front please. Their credit worthiness is not to be trusted at this point.
This guy is angling for a RWNJ radio or tv show. This is about money.
My first thought was to hope they bleed themselves dry while throwing out just enough ballots to lose by a heartbreaking 10 votes. But bleeding themselves dry is impossible because the whole whole movement exists to raise funds as an end in itself. The nonresident billionaires are buying themselves plenty of entertainment and the 501©4(tp) organizations get rich tax free, either way.
OK hows this? McDaniel’s staff members were found in the courthouse in the middle of the night. Mr. McDaniel I want my
$1000 in large unmarked bills.
$1000 is chump change. Trump offered $5 million for Obama’s college transcripts. Come on Chris, get real.
He’ll never pay a dime of that proposed $15K.
First, because there will be no conviction for voter fraud.
Second, because he knows that’s the case and is using this as a fundraising call-to-arms.
Remember, cost of “living” is lower in MS.
Little-known fact: this is the same $1000 that had been originally earmarked to pay for a Beatles reunion.
The reward will be paid in good-as-gold Confederate greenbacks. Ten crisp new Jeff Davises.
All they are going to catch is some new widow who stupidly mailed her husband’s absentee ballot in after his death.
What a freaking clown.
…and all the tips accused TeaPottiers…
Photo indicates a lot of defensiveness in the TeaBadBoy.
Eh, takes a lot of $15 votes to get elected. Presumably it would only take 1 $1000 stoolie to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the Primary.
Is this a bounty?
Racist, hood wearing, tea drinking, ignorant assholes are McDaniel
and his moronic band of confederates.
That’s a big tantrum because people voted while black.
Getting 15 voter fraud cases for 15 Grand is quite a bargain, considering how much money GOP governors have spent in quest of the Holy Grail of actual voter fraud.
I wonder why all those voting place observers haven’t claimed their prizes yet.
Please proceed, State Senator.
The reward comes as McDaniel’s campaign says it has found more evidence
of rampant misconduct and voter fraud in the runoff election.
“Evidence” that fails to meet the scrutiny of election laws.
Yep. Even Dr. Evil laughed out loud.