Discussion: Chris McDaniel Joined 9/11 Truther With Anti-Semitic Theories For Recent Interview

McDaniel sounds like his only hope is an uninterested voting public, ignorance, ideology over country and just plain stupidity.

I’d say he has about a 60% chance of winning.


McDaniel didn’t answer directly when asked if he would have done the program if he had known about Trottier’s views.

“I’ve never heard the program. I have no idea what positions they hold,” McDaniel said.

It appears McDaniel has taken the Sheriff Joe correspondence course Bullshitting.101.


““They trashed Chris as a racist, a bigot, somebody who was friends with the Ku Klux Klan,” Walters lamented to Trottier last week.”

Wait! He’s a Republican, right?

I thought those were among the entrance requirements to be a member of The Partei.


They just sound like a couple of mainstream RepubliKKKlans to me!

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“I’ve never heard the program. I have no idea what positions they hold,” McDaniel said.

He didn’t respond when TPM asked again in a follow-up text message. Neither he nor Walters responded to follow-up questions about when exactly they agreed to come on the air with Trottier, and Trottier didn’t respond to an interview request.

McDaniel, a trial lawyer …

After graduating from William Carey in 1994, McDaniel entered the University of Mississippi School of Law, graduating cum laude in 1997 with a Juris Doctor degree.*



I must presume University of Mississippi School of Law dispenses with covering "due diligence" in their curriculum.

With friends like his…

McDaniel is still mad African Americans voted in the OPEN Republican primary and helped Cochran beat him. as bad as Cochran is, what does this tell us about McDaniel??


Why do Republican’ts always allege fraud, conspiracies and dirty tricks are behind their loses? Because they themselves are up to their eyeballs in fraud, conspiracies and dirty tricks and figure everyone else must be doing it too. It’s called projection. And Chris McDaniel is the Republican’t Poster Boy du Jure of projection…


One Moore white-robed Confederate moron. Anyone think they can do better?

Run for office- the 2018 elections are 10 months away! And if Trump and Louie Gohmert and Steve King can get elected what’s to stop a qualified candidate?

Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. You’ll meet with neighborhood Dems and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.

Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led Voter run-around help them do that.

Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump and half of eligible voters stayed home last November. Today’s 12-year olds will be voting for President in 8 years.

Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly.

Get appointed to your Planning Commission. Know everything going on in your community.

Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020, just a year and a half from now, when we redraw Congressional Districts. And Trump is ALREADY trying to rig the census!

And get rid of GERRYMANDERING! Safe GOP seats gave us such intellectual giants as Louie Gohmert and Steve King. In most cases it’s the state Legislature that draws Congressional boundaries. Make it FAIR, OPEN and HONEST! We can do this!

Overturn Citizens United. Money is NOT speech and Corporations are NOT people- at least not until Texas executes one, and overturn any voter ID laws that are clearly an attempt to disenfranchise the poor and people of color.

“Those who would purposely mislead or seek to confuse others are bad people. Worse, they are evil.”
-Kathleen Parker

You Got To Run!


When we call them “conspiracy theorists,” it carries an air of legitimacy, as if that’s a thing. It isn’t. It’s simply the frothing nonsense of people with emotional problems.


Ah yes, the Secret Jewish Society that sits in a small room and controls the world…


I was thinking that – doesn’t really matter if you think that the worldwide zionist conspiracy was responsible for some event or other. As soon as you posit the existence of that conspiracy you’re well over the edge.


A McDaniel spokesman when reached for comment stated, “Look, if he stopped going on conservative talk shows that espoused nutty ideas, we would never get on the air.”


Actually our lives are controlled by cafeteria workers.


The concept of conspiracy is obviously real, so I’d prefer that the term “conspiracy theorist” be changed to “conspiracy fabricator”.


Disinterested = impartial.

Uninterested = doesn’t give a shit.


Worth noting that this kind of conspiracy spew is basically the content of every speech at every Klan rally since the Second Klan revival. There are thousands of people in Mississippi who’ve heard exactly this kind of shit dozens of times by crosslight and then repeated it to those who are not a member of the bedsheet society.




Corrected (D)

No, (R)…Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

HT-TPM editors.