Discussion: Chris Cuomo Spars With Conway On Russia: ‘You Won’t Even Say It!

This is genius!


Reality’s version of tweetstorm…

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Not to mention the goddamned hatchet job they did on Hilary.

He wants to be treated nicely? No president gets treated nicely. Most used to get respect but they way Obama has been treated opened the door to massive disrespect of the president - so be it! They laid this fire, we’ll light it right up.


That’s better. Also noticed that Trump and his transition team got together for a photo this morning:


Yes, the resemblance is there, I see it!

And whenever i see a picture of Mike Pence this comes to mind…

But I like Bull Terriers dagnabit!

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“I really believe there are those out there who are trying to delegitimize his presidency, review the election results, and you know it,” Conway said.”

The slightest challenge or question and the Trump paranoids ATTACK.

Keep challenging Benedict Conway, Chris!


Don the Con needs to kill the investigation of Russian hacking to get him elected because it is likely members of his campaign knew of it at the time.


Conway would certainly make Goebbels proud.

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Trump is a bully. Generally, Republicans are bullies. When faced with resistance, bullies oftentimes show themselves as cowards. Facing the heat over his Russiaphilia, Trump naturally cries “witch hunt.” He’s playing the victim, like Republicans are so wont to do. They can sure dish it out but they can’t take it. Hillary is a profile in courage. This election highlighted her courage and that’s one of the reasons why the right wing hates her so much. Right-wingers posture to be courageous; she actually is.


There’s nothing new about any of this.

The oft-repeated echo-chamber lies of Trump, Conway, Giuliani and the others are not spontaneous products of apparently impromptu interviews. Their lies are highly coordinated and based upon the Trump administration’s grand strategy of continuously lying to the American people, which in turn is based upon Steve Bannon’s studies of the history of effective fascist tactics.

Their strategy as old as fascism itself.

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The woman has more guts than any man in Washington DC. Including President Obama and VP Biden.

She has more guts than any human being I’ve ever seen.


Who are you, and what have you done with theghostofeustacetilley?


Which are incomplete unless he reads Reinhold Niebuhr and understands how the Big Lie actually works. It doesn’t work to persuade people who are not already primed to be swayed. You cannot force any person to believe a lie. They have to choose to believe it. Every one is responsible for his or her own ethics and conscience and no strong man or government can ever take the place of any human’s inner dialogue. So the Big Lie isn’t really a Big Lie that everyone believes. IT is a convenient lifesaver for people who are desperately looking for the Big Excuse.


Agreed. And that’s another reason why she’s so hated on the right: she’s a courageous woman.


The Nathan Thurm stratagem worked during the election campaign. Attack the journalist (or celebrity child seudo journalist in Cuomo’s case) and insist on covering the sun with your hand. Their followers are ok with it.

They are all undies in a bunch about Donald’s presidency being de-legitimized. Gee. Aint that rich?


O god yes. I totally underestimated how very much they do hate her.

I think I purposely have avoided looking squarely at the extent and depth of the sexism that runs this world and I’ll never make that mistake again because I feel that glass ceiling now too - it’s sitting right on my head where they slammed it down.


While I am indeed VERY concerned, I am also definitely attempting to delegitimize Comrade Grope’emfuhrer electoral college victory whenever I mention it. Why? Well, because it is, as I just said, a very concerning situation. But also - and more importantly - because it actually goddammed fucking most certainly DOES legitimately delegitimize (see what I did there?) the disgusting orange shitgibbon, you stupid rightwing fucknuts!!! (Note: that comment not addressed at OP.)

The founders were damn near paranoid over this situation, and with good reason. A puppet (say it with me: No puppet! No puppet!) of another country can’t possibly have this county’s best interests at heart. Not that I think he has one… a heart, that is.


They really were. It was one thing that they were clear on, completely.

They are all whirling in their fucking graves and by rights ought to rise up as one zombie army and march on DC.


The guy ceaselessly plays the victim card, and then bullies.

People who have behaved this way throughout my entire life have always been more despised then liked, and usually got their asses kicked hard in 4th grade.

Living in his gold plated womb his entire life, this particular bully has never had to face criticism of any real volume. Now that he has put himself out there for it, he doesn’t like it.

A rough quote from Woolsey yesterday; " Trump is very different when in small groups then he is when he is front of a rally, personable and not out of control" or something along those lines. In my opinion, this makes Trump a bigger douchebag then I already consider him to be (pushing the envelope of the rapidly expanding douchebag universe). It is then implied that he is doing this for manipulation purposes (big surprise) but supposedly he doesn’t believe it, Any means to an end right? Destroy any semblance of unity, call American’s that don’t like or agree with you the enemy, disparage institutions of the US that you will have to rely upon, Make America Great Again, yeah right.

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When it comes to Conway the term useful idiot is too kind.