Apparently, some of the things that this campaign engages in, is even a bridge too far for Christie.
But if you think he’d break out of his Stockholm syndrome hold, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Apparently, some of the things that this campaign engages in, is even a bridge too far for Christie.
But if you think he’d break out of his Stockholm syndrome hold, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
The campaign has certainly hit troubled water, you have to admit
The Trump Juggernaut will leave a lot of roadkill, mostly bad guys I think…
“I can only take him at his word. And I am,” Christie said.
Oh, so you do believe that Chiselin’ Trump grabs them by the p***y.
Chris Christie: “Just one last comment. That whole Bridgegate thing? That was Billy Bush’s fault.”
“Lying a country into a war based on false pretenses? That was Bush’s fault. Billy Bush, that is.”
None of the allegations have been discredited in any credible way so we start with a base number of ZERO. Using that logic all the women (using a minimum of six per year over the last 30) who haven’t come forward cancels out the women who have it would seem we are at minus 180 - 10 = 170+ women who have never demonstrably been groped and sexually assaulted by Donald Trump.
Glad that Christie was able to clarify that.
I am sure that if Trump loses in an electoral vote landslide, on November 9th, Bannon and Conway will also say 'It was not our campaign, it was THE CANDIDATE’S campaign. Blame him. We’ve got jobs to look for."
Because this fat worm is so well-known for his intelligent, polite comments? His cowardice is transparent and I so hope he is prosecuted for his role in Bridegate and removed from office. Even if not, he has ruined his political future by cozying up to Mango Mussolini; buh-bye, Krispy Kreme.
“It rubs the lotion on its skin!,” Christie continued.
“I can’t even enjoy a lasagne-and-pizza sandwich with a box of Krispy Kreme’s on the side and a gallon of chocolate milk cause I had half my stomach taken out so I’d look slimmer on camera for this shit!..I want to die so bad right now.”
Did Christie just say that being called a sexual predator is not important? What planet do these people live on?
“avoided weighing in on Drumpf’s recent rhetoric”
I see what you did there.
A bunch of people trying to hitch a ride on a volatile, explosive gas bag that cannot be brought under control?
That’s an image of all the Trump-supporting GOPers coming to their day of reckoning. Oh the humanity.
Nobody can control a fascist dictator. Wouldn’t it be better not to help him get into power, Bozo?
Conway will. Bannon is in it for the long haul–Russia-financed media empire and all.
I know “surrogate” is the standard term for what people like Christie do, but in the case of Trump, I think the word “vector” is a better description.
Ol’ HamBone is being self-serving again, trying to protect his future source of ham sandwiches!!
He shouldn’t be proud of his own actions if he hasn’t seriously looked at the allegations against Trump, and doesn’t know that none of them have been refuted.
One should actually look into the controversies surrounding one’s candidate and have an informed opinion. Christie is completely done as a politician. He used to appear to have some amount of “seriousness”, and some amount of common sense. Being the first real Trump surrogate, and Bridgegate, should absolutely finish him on the national stage if there’s any sanity in the world of politics.