Discussion: Chris Christie: Clinton Got Us 'Into The WWIII Situation' With Obama

Another one of the insignificant GOP insects tries stinging the Democrats and fails. The GOP is SO irrelevant to anything important going on in the world today.

they have become so deluded from so much disinformation it is truly frightening. almost like some kind of scifi thing. pod peeople united. i do disagree on one thing. standing in the way of addressing climate change and global warming is not irrelevant. it is criminally stupid and dangerous to this planet.

Republican presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie argued
Sunday that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton got the
United States ā€œinto the WWII situationā€ with President Obama
Chris Christie: Clinton Got Us ā€˜Into The WWIII Situationā€™ With Obama

Ummm ā€¦ WW2 or WW3 ā€¦ which is it? If Christie is saying WW2 then heā€™s way off cuz the Japanese and Germans are now allies.
Likely WW3 will be a bit different. Betā€™cha.

WWIII, eh?

Well, time to go the mall.

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This over-hyped blow hard has no accomplishments to his credit as governor and his biggest appeal to the American people is eagerly starting WWIII with Russia. Christie would sell out our country to Russia if they gave him a big enough check. Has anyone asked Christie to detail how HRC ā€œgot us into the World War III situation with Barack Obamaā€


We have to stop talking about how we are in WWIII. A number of the Republican candidates have discussed committing ground troops to fight ISIS and two have suggested or implied that they would use nuclear weapons. If we generally accept that we are in a global world war, then the bar for greater military involvement, including nukes, is lowered. This is dangerous and will lead us into a place we do not want to be. We cannot defeat ISIS with military strength alone. We can degrade their ability to capture land we do not own and have little real interest in, but we have to defeat them ideologically if we want to ā€œmake America safe.ā€ We do not do that by killing even more innocent civilians or starting a holey war against the worldā€™s Muslims.

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Deflection, as usual from an establishment GOPā€™er. He knows that ISIS is around because his old friend W took out Saddam and didnā€™t plan for what would happen in his absence.

Right wing rule #1 - Blame others for the mess you made.

Lay off the crack, Governor.

heā€™s been taking Carsonā€™s meds I guess.

I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about, AntiSachet: America was at total peace with the world when weak-kneed warmonger Obama took office. As Bob Dole once said, Democrats are the ones who always get us into wars (one of his examples was that FDR got us into WWII ā€¦ seriously ā€¦ it was!).

Oh, and so many people are paying attention to what Chris Christie says now.

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so says the man who blusters that he will shoot down russian planes that dare to overfly syriaā€¦ heā€™s just trumping (so to speak) clinton by threatening to destroy the fucking planet ā€“ or certainly both countries. because any such confrontation will escalate to nuclear attacks.

itā€™s horrifying watching this language become normalized talking points.

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Say anything, no matter how preposterous.

His strategy is to revive his floundering campaign with a 3rd place finish in NH.

Christie made clear despite the nation being on a war footing, powdered sugar and sprinkles would NOT be rationed in his administration!

What strategy has Sec. Clinton proposed in dealing with ISIS? For that matter what strategy has Christie proposed? Heā€™s a governor. He does not get the briefings the Sec. If State or President get and he does not have a Joint Chiefs to council either. So what would Christie actually know in so far as dealing with ISIS is concerned?

No President is going to set policy or strategy in dealing with ISIS. Obama doesnā€™t do it now and Christie would not do it if elected. That is a theater level military operation and career Military pros ( General Officers ) are the folks that do that. If any POTUS tried to micromanage or direct a fight like that heā€™s have a pile of 3 and 4 star resignations on his desk.

Christie has no military experience. He has almost no exposure to the world outside of NJ. And heā€™s not in possession of the knowledge a man must have to talk competently about ISIS. But heā€™s a blowhard enough to try. We tried a President like that. Thatā€™s how we got ISIS.

I remain ever intrigued by individuals who are happy talking about war, or world war, when at the time their beloved country was in need of their service, they were somehow too busy to, you know, serve. But they are experts, arenā€™t they?

My experience has been that those who served really donā€™t care to talk about their experiences, or to get into discussions that eventually lead to how war will sort ā€œthisā€ out, whatever ā€œthisā€ might be.

The reality for these folks is: they have no idea how awful war is on almost every level. Pathetic poseurs one and all.

Full disclosure: my grandfather served with Black Jack Pershing in WWI, my father rode destroyers in WWII hunting German submarines in the Atlantic (and helped sink 2), and I served in the Navy '68 - ā€™ 88 (by then we were friends with the Germans, but not the North Vietnamese).

Trump on defeating ISIS:

Q: Youā€™re getting better numbers in some polls than several candida-
A: Iā€™m the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far. Nobodyā€™s ever been more successful than me. Iā€™m the most successful person ever to run. Ross Perot isnā€™t successful like me. Romney ā€” I have a Gucci store thatā€™s worth more than Romney.
Q: Specifically, what would you do to address the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria?
A: I have an absolute way of defeating ISIS, and it would be decisive and quick and it would be very beautiful. Very surgical.
Q: Military on the ground? Drone strikes?
A: If I tell you right now, everyone else is going to say: ā€œWow, what a great idea.ā€ Youā€™re going to have 10 candidates going to use it and theyā€™re going to forget where it came from. Which is me.
Q: Do you have advisors on issues like this?
A: With very successful people, we sort of have our own ideas. A lot of people hire consultants. Well, if the consultantā€™s so smart, why arenā€™t they rich?

A third of Republicans polled ***LOVE*** this blowhard asshole. We're doomed.

P.S.-Wouldn't keeping a quick, foolproof plan for defeating ISIS secret from the nation's military, for the express purpose of maintaining an electoral advantage over your primary opponents,  constitute treason?

So . . . . . audition piece for Fox News. Heā€™s going to need something to do once heā€™s out of office.

Am Iā€™m missing something, what WWII or III situation are we in?

Lew Looking at Governor Christie I had thought he suffered from food issues, apparently the reality is too much bullshit stuffed into too small a body. Ah well, live and learn.

iā€™m thinking twinkies. lots of twinkies.