Discussion: China Summons US Ambassador To Protest Arrest Of Huawei Executive

Hi (AP) I know you struggle with coming up with boffo closing paragraphs. So you might also want to mention, they kidnap and jail dissidents without letting them contact their families and denying them legal counsel. Plus being major aggressive territorial markers - oh, and Tibet.
We are all well aware of you love of both sides do it, so I’m sure many people here would appreciate you mentioning the United States long history of genocide and treaty breaking too.

keep up the mediocrity

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This was an odd one. What protection did she fail to make payments to? China? Russia?


That is a wonderful suggestion.


Because the “Ambassador” is a former Hack Guv’ner of Iowa, and the President can’t find China or Canada on a map, perhaps?

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I really hate to see CANADA becoming involved in TRUMPfs BS… surely, CANADA is well aware of how quickly he changes his ‘mind’… … c’mon , CHINA… rescue this woman…she is being held hostage…