Discussion: Chicago-Area Brewery Renames Beer 'F**k Your Hair' Over Trump Remarks

I’d love to get a six-pack of that to bring to my Fourth of July barbecue.

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Simply because Trump is an asshole is no reason to attack the live ferret that has made a home atop his head.


It’s a beer meme!

#Bung hole:


Trump gets dumped again!

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Yeah, cause it just wouldn’t be right to show a picture of him bending over.


Oh, that isn’t his ass? Could have fooled me.


Careful boys…The Donald is fond of suing folks.


Chinga Tu Pelo is my new name for The Donald. Christ, what an asshole!

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Fortunately, suing and winning are two different things.

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I guess lawyers love The Donald.

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Love it!

5 Rabbits Brewery has Taco Thursday! Might have to slide over there, have some Tacos and buy some BEER!!!


The proof is in the toupee. Trump has a thousandaire toupee not millioinaire and especially not billionaire.

It’s from Toupees-R-Us or toupees.com I guarantee you and I’ll bet my squirrel on it.

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Donald’s hair is the smartest part of him…

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Sláinte mhaith!

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“The very foundation of the United States of America was built on acceptance and inclusion.”

Apparently Mr. Araya did not get the memo that Citizens United turned America into an oligarchy by the richest one-tenth of 1%.

Yep. I’d buy it.

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This dude has the most punchable face in America. Just looking at him brings violence to my mind. Does that make me a bad Liberal?

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I got nothing to add, except this: Donald Trump, charlatan, being laughed at, ostracized, and oh, the burn: Rick “Niggerhead” Perry distancing himself? A good day.

Too bad we even had to come to this day. Thanks, Ed Henry, who fapped the Obama birth certificate story so often that he lost his job at CNN Thanks to all the polling organizations who fapped the “Do you think Obama is an alien, Christian, American” questions.

You ALL had a role in elevating the base bullshit that Donald Trump has been…no, that Donald Trump IS.

Thanks, all you media organizations who equivocated and earnestly explained to us that “Some people disagree” with the statement that the “earth revolves around the sun”.

You fuckers brought us Donald Trump. "Some might disagree that a businessman who has had to declare bankruptcy multiple times and has no experience as an elected official isn’t qualified to run for president. Wolf Blitzer and Don Lemon will weigh in. "

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