Discussion for article #244023
And she will wear Hillary’s old tiara.
I’m going to be 100% fair here and say NOBODY GIVES A FUCK.
And I’m sorry, but the Twitter crap just makes it even more annoying and impersonal. How about you leave what’s going in and coming out of the vaginas in your family to yourselves? Same with whatever you people are doing with the penises among you.
Hedge Fund Fucked.
(Say that fast three times)
Edit to add: Will the Donald go there?
this is only news if she’s claiming Immaculate Conception or her pregnancy yields a full term baby in one month…
in other new… a white guy bought a new shotgun in Arkansas…
Some pundits claimed that Chelsea’s first pregnancy with husband Marc Mezvinsky, was actually just a publicity stunt to fuel attention on Hillary’s campaign for the presidency.
I don’t think there’s any doubt about it – clearly Debbie Wasserman Schultz orchestrated both pregnancies (no doubt arranging the timing of this one to coincide with her plan to trick the Sanders campaign into exploiting the data breach, which of course she also orchestrated). The only question is whether Chelsea and her husband were in on it, or whether Debbie snuck in and replaced Chelsea’s birth control pills with M&Ms. < /snark >
Meh. Bristol Palin will have another 5 or 6 kids before this zygote’s got toes.
Congrats to Chelsea and her husband Marc.
Re the twitter bit - hey, grandpa, you’re shouting at clouds from the lawn again. It’s 2015, keep up. And I’m AARP age myself but you just sound like a luddite.
When you are trying to have a baby, it is a blessing to have one. Congratulations to the family. May the child be a healthy and happy one.
Trump’s going to be so mad when he finds out about this blatant bid for publicity that he’s going to go out and find a new trophy wife.
“before this zygote’s got toes.”
“Some pundits claimed that Chelsea’s first pregnancy with husband Marc Mezvinsky, was actually just a publicity stunt to fuel attention on Hillary’s campaign for the presidency.”
No, Sara Jerde! One extreme right-wing nut claimed that. One. That is a. not “pundits”. Stop trying to mainstream right-wing hate by re-writing the news to make it sound like lots of people were saying that. And stop kowtowing to the GOP.
Another TPM low, courtesy entirely of Ms. Jerde. She can’t even blame a press release for this one. Disgusting. She really shows either her lack of journalism basics. Not that anyone in charge at TPM ever cares, I realize.
Here’s some bad news for those who think good news should be overlooked because of the source.
Technically, only Donald’s Jewish convert daughter Ivanka could have fit this bill in the few hours between her marriage and the conception of her first child in the normal, dove free human manner…
Speaking of … did Creamy Peanut Butter Legs ever tell us who the father of this one might be? – Her former fiancé? Or?
The ‘growing family’ optics for the campaign will be wonderful.
I admit that I do care. I watched Chelsea grow from an awkward kid to a beautiful, poised woman and then a mother. I’m happy for her just as I will be happy for the Obama girls as they become women and then SCOTUS judges or president (looking at you Sasha!).
Ivanka. I was out Christmas shopping and came across a beautiful pair of clearance priced boots that seemed to have my name on em… Until I flipped them over and saw the Trump name, and immediately put them back. Not a penny goes to those people not even for cute boots.