Discussion: Charles Krauthammer Is Very Skittish On Benghazi (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222588

“If this is 2014, the winds are right behind the Republicans approaching the election on all the major issues: ObamaCare, the economy, chronic unemployment, setbacks abroad. All of this – the issues are on the Republican side,"

He’s all over the map about other issues too.


Dear TPM,

Can you guys agree to no longer post pictures of Krauthhammer? I’m not saying you shouldn’t post his hilarious commentary. I’m just saying that some readers might have big monitors and small children or pets or spouses with heart problems.




It’s the “Crypt Keeper” AAaauuuughhhhhhh!!!

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That’s because Krauthammer is a pompous, narcissistic, faux-scholarly panderer to the worst “stupid person’s idea of what a smart person sounds like” impulses in the GOP base. Of course he’s incoherent. Cognition has a well-known liberal bias.


The entire Benghazi “scandal” is incoherent for one simple reason. Even if we were to take every Republican point as 100% truth, what we have is someone spinning on Sunday talk shows. Which is not illegal. Which is in fact almost the sole reason those shows exist; that is as a place for partisan hacks to spin the truth to suit their side.


Megyn, honey, quit with the permascowl or your face will stick that way.

As for Chuck, who cares? He says what will get him the Faux version of clicks, but then hedges his bets because he doesn’t believe in anything more than bilking the rubes.

He actually reminds me of a Gul from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I think it’s the very sharp slant of his shoulders coming down from his neck. Now, I’m no prize either, but I will say it’s a little disturbing when I first see him, but I can probably pick him out of a lineup in the dark.


ADDED KRAUTHAMMER: "People of Eternia! I stand before the Great Eye of the galaxy. Chosen by destiny to receive the powers of Greyskull! This inevitable moment will transpire before your eyes, even as He-Man himself bears witness to it. Now. I, Skeletor, am Master of the Universe! YES! Yes… I feel it, the power… fills me. Yes, I feel the universe within me! "


John of Orange knows where he needs to be on the Benghazi map. Asked about fundraising he said "Our focus is getting the truth for these four families and for the American people.” Three questions, same answer.

Krotchammer’s line of reasoning takes more turns than is nose.
“… the winds are right behind the Republicans…” In other words, Who farted?

But the emergence of an email last week breathed new life into the GOP’s supreme cause.

Must’ve been an email noting Obamacare’s many successes.


or maybe have just eatin a big breakfast or lunch

Just covering all of the bases so when reality intervenes he can claim that he was right. Just like Jeanne Dixon and other frauds.

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THAT’S where I’ve seen him before. Good catch!

Closest I could come was Skeletor (I had small kids in the house in the 80s).

That is becoming a pattern for the RWNJs.

Don’t they realize it does not play well when televised?
They appear to be idiots - true enough, but they used to be able to hide it better…

Wasn’t he the Kid Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?

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The last time I checked Bill Clinton’s economic measures left the little man from Crawford a balanced budget.

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You apparently didn’t see the wind up key in the middle of his back when he turned to leave the podium…

That face does look like it’s been all over the map doesn’t it? Or maybe someone drove over that face repeatedly while using a map. Or maybe, just maybe that face is a newly discovered asteroid that NASA has yet to map.

Lot’s of possibilities for a face like that and all are terrifying.

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