ETA: But you know what it is that bothers me? Even among my worst goddamn enemies, this level of folly and evil is just depressing. It doesn’t speak very well for the race. Most of us are better than that. But it shouldn’t exist at all. These people took an oath. That’s supposed to mean something grrrr grrrr grrrr.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if there was a two-for deal and they both stepped down.
Oh, and I forgot wasn’t “full confidence” the phrase that gets used hours before someone “voluntarily” leaves their position / recuses themselves. Fingers crossed.
How anyone can possibly defend this behavior is beyond me. They really believe they can spin anything and live consequence free. I guess I’d be less bothered if I knew they were wrong about that, but they don’t seem to be facing consequences and this shit is already beyond ridiculous.
Can I drag this thread to Parker for a minute because R pols are boring? Watched Mrs. Parker and The Vicious Circle other eve, pretty good, got to hear actress Jennifer Jason Leigh do an impression of Parker that is memorable and recite some poems and essays including You Might As Well Live.
““Devin Nunes is a man of high integrity,” Chaffetz, the chair of the House Oversight Committee, said on MSNBC. “He’s done a great job chairing a very difficult committee, has the full confidence of the Republican conference, the Republican leadership and myself and Trey Gowdy and a host of others.””
That’s like an endorsement on women’s issues from Henry VIII and Jack the Ripper.
I’m not sure why your post brought this to mind, but it did.
“What does it all mean, Mr. Natural?”
“It don’t mean shit.”
“Where does it all end, Mr. Natural?”
“In the grave, my boy, in the grave.”
“Is sex the answer, Mr. Natural?”
“Sex, my boy, is the question.”
That’s from memory 45 years ago without fact-checking, but I think it’s pretty close.
One of the nice things about having people such as Jason Chaffetz and Orrin Hatch representing us here in Utah is that we never need to wonder where they stand on any given issue.
The evidence is now clear that the White House and Devin Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, have worked together to halt what was previously billed as a sweeping investigation of Russian interference in last year’s election. “We’ve been frozen,” Jim Himes, a Democratic representative from Connecticut who is a member of the Committee, said.
Nunes has kicked up a cloud of peripheral issues to deflect attention from the scandal.
Glad you’ve seen it, it’s sort of obscure, but I loved the Roundtable figures portrayed by great actors, M. Broderick as Charles MacArthur, and Campbell Scott as Mr. Benchley.