Wonder who is trying to take him down.
A few more stories like this, and I’m going to start to think there’s a problem with this guy.
I detect a complete lack of bananas,
a complete lack of bananas today.
Anyone out there need any further evidence that Pruitt is a bona fide corrupt prick??
C’mon, siren’s are perfectly appropriate for someone on the rocks.
Just ask Homer.
Rob Porter. This is some sick revenge right here.
But given that it’s Pruitt, there could be stories for the next month.
Not Rob Porter. Planet Earth is trying to take down Pruitt.
“We have no knowledge of anyone being removed from the detail for not using lights and sirens,” but did not elaborate on why Weese was removed.
"Yeah, he did it. Hey, whatcha gonna do?"
Now Nino gives the boss the si-reens anytime he wants, dontcha Nino?
You know, this is starting to get funny. Pretty soon he’s gonna get slammed for not washing his hands before leaving the men’s room.
Someone really, really, really hates Scotty. Just like we do, but, obviously for other reasons…assuming this is a GOP inside job.
CBS: Pruitt Tried To Use Sirens To Get Out Of A DC Traffic Jam
Pruitt is under the impression that since he is a loyal lackey of the worse plutocrats in the US he is entitled to third world dictator perks. Keep saying send him to Zimbabwe.
This is a dude absolutely head over heels in love with what he perceives as his power and prestige.
And WTF…that Porter revenge story sounds like fucking middle school level shit. We literally have mental children running the country.
EPA Chief of Staff Ryan Jackson said, “We have no knowledge of anyone being removed from the detail for not using lights and sirens.”
Reporter: “How about for not using sirens alone?”
Jackson: “No comment.”
Zimbabwe is one the the greatest places I have ever been to, wonderful people, send this wanna gangsta to where he will fit in and where he will be comfortable with his comrades, he won’t have to worry about the environment either in mutha russia
Hey Pruitt, you’re right, you paranoid prick. We all hate you. And no bystander would be willing to give you CPR or any first aid. So any travel has the potential for being disastrous. But don’t worry, soon you’ll be off the stage back in your little Oklahoma town, far from the madding crowds.