The Republican War On Science continues—and shows no signs of ending.
They can hand off the science policy agenda to Kushner. His wheelhouse contains multitudes.
And so it came to pass.
The Idiocracy Model of governance was adopted by the Trump White House
It’s got Electrolytes!
Well. This certainly isn’t a shock.
Science is here to stay - all its rules and real world applications aren’t going anywhere.
You can put your head in the sand and pretend it’s fake or doesn’t exist, but it does.
Meanwhile, other countries with more respect for the natural world will study and exploit their knowledge and understanding of the world to our economic detriment.
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has been replaced by the Trump Ministry of Truth. The Ministry of Love is down the hall. Ministry of Plenty currently being remodeled at the Capitol.
Jared is doing all of the work of the Science Division. And doing a great job, too. Believe me. Many people are saying this. Most people do not know that the Trump family, by virtue of superior genetic makeup, are far better scientists than even Einstein was. Jared has it covered. Now that he has completely solved the Jewish-Palestinian thing, he will knock this off this weekend, then end the North Korea problem in two weeks, tops, and we will move on towards making America tired of winning. So much winning.
To be fair, this administration can barely keep its communications department running, and that is their top, almost their only priority.
WaTer is weT, briCk is heavy, space Is up, rAin is Gods tears. Trump KnoWs moRe thAn the sciEncE generaLs, LibTArds.
Uggh this is depressing and deplorable.
Can someone please explain to republicans that science is not their enemy?! It can even be described in completely Gop-friendly language: Scientific innovation leads to new technologies. Those guys in the white coats are fucking job creators, and NOT members of an international conspiracy in which the entire rest of the world and over half of America is ganging up to make republicans look stupid.
Make America great again, my ass.
Just when and how did Republicans decide the way forward is through the 9th century? I can’t wait until Trump calls for burning witches. Could this be the work of SATAN?
Science informs them of stuff they can’t or shouldn’t do. “If you burn more fossil fuels you’ll create a greenhouse effect; if you use pesticides, they’ll get into the food chain and into people., etc.” That’s the root cause of the GOP war on science. They don’t want any of their options taken away. Especially when there’s a profit to be made.
Psst… science IS their enemy.
Education is also against them.
The bible, tailgate parties and Paula Deen cooking are the only things allowed to GOP-ers.
Science is in the realm of elitist pointy-headed do-gooder libruls so… BAD!
The White House Council on Women and Girls is probably next.
We’ll probably see a new council created with a grand title that caters to evangelical Christian conservatives.
Science (at least ideally) represents rationality and constraints on counter-productive human behaviors. The GOP is all about irrationality and acting in wild unconstrained ways. Science is most definitely their enemy.
Trump’s rich oil buddy donors are more important to him, then the US of America.
The hollowing out of the Federal government is well underway.
Key missing information in the article… is the office normally staffed by 3, 25, or 120 people?