Discussion: CBS' King Presses Northam: 'Did You Not Know You Were Born Into White Privilege?'

He’s a ‘one and done’ (he can’t serve again), but those state legislature candidates can be messed with.

My father was neither but never could ‘get’ this. A little about him - he grew up on a hardscrabble farm in Kentucky during the depression. Had an abusive father. “If a car had stopped on the road and opened the door, I would have gotten in.” Was the first in his family to graduate high school (after returning and studying after having dropped out). By his own grit and determination (and a crucial loan by a local attorney) went to college and made a professional life for himself, pharmacist. Moved his family to a small Kentucky town early in his career and immediately desegrated a restaurant he had purchased ‘because it was the right thing to do.’ Black customers could come in and order but had to take the food out and eat on the sidewalk. He walked out and said ‘you don’t have to do that anymore.’ In the South, in the late 50s, as a newcomer to this small town. “No one said anything” about this. But he could never ‘get’ white priviledge. He would get angry, offended when the idea was even broached that he somehow had an easier row to hoe. He had a hard, hard early life. I told him once, that lawyer who loaned you the money to go to college (which he repaid), if you had been black you wouldn’t have gotten that loan. He still couldn’t see it. But he wasn’t dumb. And he wasn’t a liar.

Purposely ignorant, or maybe not ignorant but chosing to ignore the facts? Have him read Black Like Me. Have him watch this.