Discussion: CBS Host To Trump: Do You Think Your Twitter Wars Are Presidential?

“I’m very capable of slowing down Twitter or doing whatever I want to do,” Trump said. "But Twitter is actually I’ve found it to be, and Facebook, is a
wonderful, modern way of communicating

That’s all well and good. But the question was can you slow down being an a$$hole?


Trump speaks to folks just like himself, that is on the intelligence level of a 3rd grader!

Has he ever? It seems to be part of the appeal.

Trump is only reflecting back roughly a little less than 1/3 of the GOP base perfectly. And any attempt to tone it down to reflect a bigger portion of the general electorate will result in losing everyone of them.

A narrower GOP field and Trump would have already fallen to the way side. But with so many in the race, 1/3 keeps him on top everywhere. But we really aren’t seen any growth in his numbers as people drop out, and he is the bottom of the list for 2nd choices…also indicative that he is pretty near his ceiling.

And keep in mind that 1/3 of the GOP is about 10-15% of the general population. So the foundations, if Trump were to win the nomination, for the worst blow out in Presidential election history, are being laid.


Thanks, Donald, for applying the KOD to Twitter.

It’s funny you bring that up. Like Palin, I can barely listen to him speak, it just grates on my nerves big time. But, somehow, when he speaks, it makes a sort of sense. I mean, I can get the jist of it. But when you see it transcribed, it honestly looks as if he’s having a stroke. It’s the most incoherent stream of consciousness babble I’ve seen this side of Palin.


Trumpf just has to use 140 characters which works for a low information contestant like him. He can get his bombast across and his followers eat it up. As far as journalism or communication, there is none.


I see those short-fingered hands and arms waving wildly and the face going into contortions, but to listen is worse. Queens meets Brooklyn meets middle America.


As President he would wage WWIII on TWITTER.

When calling President Trump EXPECT to hear a recording stating you may reach him at his '#'Trump. All comments are to directed to the his TWIT…ITER account.

Thanks, RVH: finally figured out who that Trump comb-over reminds me of:


It’s great to start the day with good news.

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And between Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, I have 12 million people, more than 12 million people.

And likely half of them are following you for the sheer entertainment value of watching your idiocy in full bloom, to track your political statements, and/or to troll you on other forums. Followers doesn’t mean supporters, you nitwit.


. . . then Dickerson immediately sank to his knees . . .

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It’s not the medium - it’s what he says that is not only unpresidential, it’s rude and revolting. Trump is a jackass faking his way through, plain and simple. Tweet that.


Donald’s tweets come off like a 12 year old with daddy issues. Definitely NOT Presidential in the least.

And by the way, when the President assumes high office, ALL of his communications are managed. He’s not even allowed to own a smart phone. Think you can handle that Donny Dipstick?


It’s salesman-speak. Dumb it down, use your audience’s vocabulary, jam up your sentences with buzz words, dog-whistles and hyperbole. He is unafraid of controversy and learned how to build up phony drama from his reality show and appearances on WWF shows. Never admit a mistake, never apologize, even for the most egregious rudeness. This is Trump’s genius. He doesn’t talk like that in real life, but he’s got a perfect ear for the language that reels in suckers.

Anyone reasonable listening to him is dumbfounded that such a moron can be the front-runner. But it’s all an act, one he has perfected over the years. It’s hugely popular with those who make decisions with their gut.


Would you believe he is still attacking the guy who called him a “short-fingered vulgarian” some 8 years after it was said? He never forgets an insult and he keeps attacking people for saying negative things about him. Could you imagine what would happen to those people if he ever gained the Presidency? You can bet that Trump would be a noxious combination of Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Muammar Khaddafi, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, and Saddam Hussein all rolled into one.


I don’t tweet, but is there some way we can reach his 12 million through Twitter and tell them they can actually vote for him on Twitter, that they don’t have to actually go to the polls?


I sat here a while trying to conjure up sufficient descriptors for trump. None are quite strong enough to convey my revulsion. So, bear with me as I go visual:

And then there’s trump’s festering pool of manners:

No, not really.


If we could get rid of the hate, bombast, and lies spewed by republicans, maybe we could make Twitter great again. Kind of a low-rent, verbal trash heap as it is now.

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Twat did he say? I cunt hear him I have an ear infucktion. Oh so nice to remember the seventies again and wish George Carlin was here to debate Trump or be a debate moderator.