Discussion: CBO: Trump Threat To Cut Obamacare Subsidies Would Raise Premiums 25%

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Making America… oh, forget it. Too worn out for jokes.


But this WOULD destroy Obamacare. And isn’t that the point?


He doesn’t want to own it, he’ll tweet he doesn’t own it, but he already owns it.


and it owns him.


Bullies gonna bully.
Bullies gonna

cave, cave, cave…
cave, cave cave…
cave cave cay-yay-yay-yay-yave…
Cavin’ toooool

Apologies to Aretha and Don Covay, who wrote this.
Graham Parker guitarist: Brinsley Schwartz.

Fun fact: The Don Covay and the goodtimers LP "Have Mercy " is the first recording of Jimi Hendrix.
Like the LP below, which featured new-to-vinyl Robert Zimmerman on harmonica.


A guiding “principle” of those on the right: Anything that isn’t nailed down is mine, and anything I can pry loose isn’t nailed down.


Trump - “Beautiful health care plan. Only $12 a year!
25% increase that means $16 per year. Still beautiful”


Walmart CEO just slapped the shit out of 45

Respect for the individual is one of our core beliefs at Walmart. And the role we play in communities around the country to build a more diverse and inclusive society is more critical than ever as the tragic events in Charlottesville over the weekend painfully reminded us. Our prayers are with the victims and their families.

As we watched the events and the response from President Trump over the weekend, we too felt that he missed a critical opportunity to help bring our country together by unequivocally rejecting the appalling actions of white supremacists. His remarks today were a step in the right direction and we need that clarity and consistency in the future.

Our country is facing some very difficult issues that require our elected officials, business leaders and community-based organizations to work together. Representing a company with the largest and one of the most diverse groups of associates in the U.S., and an even more diverse customer base of tens of millions of customers, we believe we should stay engaged to try to influence decisions in a positive way and help bring people together. I will continue to strongly advocate on behalf of our associates and customers, and urge our elected officials to do their part to promote a more just, tolerant and diverse society.

Thank you for representing Walmart and our values today – and every day.


Trump seems set on testing the proposition that he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it. What, does he envy Robert Durst?

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“…the move would increase the federal deficit by $194 billion dollars by 2026, and it would lead to 5 percent of the U.S. population having no access to a non-group insurer.”

Sounds like a Republican wet dream to me.


You know that things are really, really bad when Wal-Mart speaks out against a Republican politician.


There’s gotta be an easier way. Couldn’t we just throw people off of buildings?


Sheer spite and irresponsibility all around.


Citing Walmart in a post about healthcare is deliciously ironic. For Walmart is one of the biggest abusers of government social services in the country. It underpays and under-employs people and — I’m not making this up — gives (or used to give) new employees associates information on how to get public assistance to supplement their lousy incomes.

Walmart motto: Always lower prices pocket the money.

Yes. That’s what Comrade Cockholster does. Every. Day.


Trump: If you support The Blackest Guy, its going to cost you. I will always win.

And his supporters will still blame Obama.

Don’t look for any help from these guys.

Republicans in Washington are largely standing by President Trump despite discomfort with his response to the violent and deadly clashes in Charlottesville, Va.
Although they are openly questioning why it took Trump 48 hours to forcefully denounce the KKK members, neo-Nazis and white supremacists who turned a quiet, peaceful college town into a deadly war zone, they say they don’t think the president is a racist and that they are ready to work with him on policy.

“I don’t think the president is some sort of closet racist who’s deliberately stirring up the devils of our nature,” Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), a veteran lawmaker and former member of leadership, told The Hill.
“Because of the nature of the attack, he should have been more specific. Within 48 hours, he was,” Cole added. “Probably he missed an opportunity, but we’re all singing from the same song book now, and that’s a good thing.”


Comedy is not pretty, eh Tom?


O my god - I got an email from my Rep, who’s a Repug, at least 6 weeks ago now asking me if I wouldn’t love it if Congress repealed the flood control insurance act that gives people who live in flood zones the ability to get insurance against floods. It’s a FEMA program.

Yeah now they want to drown us.