Discussion: CBO To Release Estimate For Senate's Obamacare Repeal Monday Afternoon

This should be epic in its totality of GOP cruelty…



Keep smiling, Yertle.


And Republicans will either (1) Deny the validity and pertinence of the numbers, or (2) Question CBO’s credibility, or (3) Some illogical combination of the two.

Whatever, I anticipate McConnell will brush off the numbers and proceed to vote in a few days, right after tossing a few placatory crumbs at the handful of “wavering” “moderate” Senators.

I expect McConnell will pass the bill, after allowing two defections, with a vote from Pence. Then the House will probably vote on and pass the Senate bill soon thereafter. And Trump will, with very-poor-taste bluster, sign the bill, perhaps on the 4th with fireworks going off to celebrate the new American “freedom” from healthcare.


Ah, but there’s worse to come! Dismantling of Medicare and Social Security are only a few years away.


Let me guess: Lower premiums, everyone’s covered? No?


but Tom Price loved him…


But But… I thought they were going to vote for this Thursday
Gosh how could fiscally responsible Conservatives vote for something without knowing the cost??



I think it will go the exact opposite. McConnell will throw crumbs to the conservatives who are out, both to get their votes locked in and to make the eventual re-passage through the HFC easier. (Remember, this bill will have to go to the House again).

They do, however, seem a bit worried. Putting up a $1 million ad buy against Heller and siccing an army of twitter bots to trend #HellerYes, an extremely vulnerable seat for republicans in 2018, spells out worry like nothing I have seen in quite some time.


I am very healthy and get my healthcare insurance through my employer. If am feeling anxious over the healthcare fight, I cannot even imagine what others who are not as fortunate are feeling. Or at least those who have not been drinking the GOP koolaid and are living in denial.


many of the people who are going to lose their insurance “have been drinking the GOP koolaid and are living in denial.”

it’s those peoples’ suffering in which I will take great glee. maybe that makes me a horrible person, but i don’t really care. if this POS is passed, and those folks lose their insurance, i’m going to enjoy every single interview with them where they look like deer in the headlights, expressing shock that this has happened to them. the interviews will be intended to be heartwrenching … i will watch them as comedy.


Yes, but I also think of the disabled and disadvantaged children.


me too. that’s why i said it’s only the ones who have been drinking the koolaid that i’ll take glee in. and part of that glee will be because of what they’ve done to those kids, and to the other sick people who didn’t choose this for themselves.


This is the kind of post that in the hands of the right blemishes us all. You’re welcome to your truly sick beliefs but next time keep them to yourself. You and your ilk just make a bad situation much worse. Grow up and have a heart.

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It all points to one thing-they don’t have the votes. And all this open hand-wringing over the bill only makes it harder. Take Susan Collins, for instance. She has repeatedly (and rightfully) trashed the bill. If she votes for it now, the campaign ads will write themselves, and she can forget about running for governor. That’s true of every senator who has expressed doubts. It’s not like this has been done long process with various iterations of the bill. You can’t on Thursday say it’s a bad bill and you can’t vote for it, but then come back on l next Thursday and pretend it’s all good now. That’s why I think it’s DOA.


let’s see, in turn:

(1) i don’t care
(2) yes, i know i am, and no, i won’t. you’re not the posting police.
(3) cool. i’ve never had an “ilk” before!
(4) oh, i have a heart, and i’m plenty grown up. if a murderer shoots himself in the head by accident, i also find that satisfying and just.

thanks for your input. it’s been filed in the appropriate place.


Taking glee in another’s suffering is in poor taste. However, “having a heart” for what they brought on themselves is a bridge too far for me.


Totally agree. These dumbasses voted for that monster because they thought he was going to do horrible stuff to minorities all while somehow protecting white people. I won’t drop a single tear for them. They deserve to suffer the same fate they’d gleefully sentence minorities to.


It points to something else, too. They are willing to sacrifice an actual Senate seat in 2018 just in order to pass something, anything.

I think that’s a pretty significant data point.

They only have a 2 seat majority, and while they do have the advantage of more Dems being vulnerable this election, they are also facing what is increasingly looking like a big wave election. And are doing nothing to make those Dems they are targeting more vulnerable. Quite the opposite.

So putting Heller out to pasture for this bill points out some really interesting thinking going on in the smoke filled rooms.