Oh, well that’s definitely an improvement. Pfft! I’m betting this estimated figure is probably within the maximum likelihood error of estimate for the House version which was 23 million. No difference IMHO.
Addendum. Also, Baseline is NOT the House Bill, but ACA. Do pubbies really want to run next war with 15 million kicked off healthcare?
Who can say?
To paraphrase Churchill, this is a riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a healthcare bill wrapped in a tax cut.
22 million? The same number who were at Donnie’s inauguration? That’s really, really weird…
It would save $321 billion in the same period overall by spending $1 trillion less on health care and using the savings to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s taxes, which primarily affect wealthy individuals and medical companies.
Tax cuts for the filthy rich on the backs of elderly and infirm?
Wow, didn’t see that one coming!
Wrapped in a puff pastry.
Legislation, being made, sausages, Trader Joe’s Puff Dogs, British, yet not British, etc.