Don’t miss the unspoken part about that. Those are golf cart rentals…from Trump’s businesses. So that’s $60,000 directly into his pocket.
[quote=“benthere, post:17, topic:61220, full:true”]
Where are the voices of the so-called conservatives ranting and raving about out of control spending? Hypocrisy!!
[/quote]But, it’s not spending on…you know, those people or that president. So, it’s OK.
A WH Pool reporter definitely needs to ask SHS about the President’s need for luxury outhouses in the next WH Briefing.
You wouldn’t let the help use the bathroom at the clubhouse, would you?
The grifting starts at the top and sets an example for everyone downstream. Which explains why Carl Icahn thinks he can get away with the most blatant form of corruption. And no one in the Federal Government appears to be investigating him.
The Secret Service provides protection for 42 people under Trump, including 18 members of his family. Former President Barack Obama had 31 people under Secret Service protection.
I’ve seen them quote this number before. Who are all the people who receive protection? President Obama, Michelle Obama, two kids. That’s only four. They’re including Vice President Biden and his family in this 31 number? Michelle’s mom? Who else?
I haven’t seen Nicole’s byline much so she might be a new reporter. I’d think that knowing the cost of “normal” portable toilets would be crucial to understanding whether $7000 is extravagant or not. The fact that the company is called “Imperial” doesn’t automatically mean this. Trump’s vacation was for what, a month? So it’s like $230/day for an indeterminate number of portable toilets. Is this a lot? (Of course, there are questions about why toilets are needed – did they not let the agents guarding the president use the president’s club’s bathrooms?)
The money paid to Trump’s course for golf carts is problematic no matter the cost, because the money goes into Trump’s pocket. Not so with the toilets, so a little more info is necessary.
Thrones befitting a king.
Wait, he has to pay for golf carts at his OWN GODDAMN GOLF CLUB???
Who does the Secret Service Protect?
Permanent protectees, such as the President and Vice President, have special agents permanently assigned to them. Temporary protectees, such as presidential and vice presidential candidates/nominees and foreign heads of state, are staffed with special agents on temporary assignment from U.S. Secret Service field offices. Protection for the President and Vice President of the United States is mandatory. All other individuals entitled to Secret Service protection may decline security if they choose.
Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 3056, describes the agency’s authority as provided by law. Since the U.S. Secret Service’s protective mission began in 1901, the agency’s jurisdiction has expanded to meet the needs of an evolving security environment.
The President of the United States
The Vice President of the United States
The President’s and Vice President’s immediate families
Former Presidents, their spouses and their minor children under the age
of 16
Foreign heads of state and their spouses visiting the United States
Major presidential and vice presidential candidates and their spouses
Events designated as National Special Security Events by the Secretary,
U.S. Department of Homeland
Trump has more family members that get protection, so I assume that accounts for the higher number.
No…he makes the Secret Service pay for golf carts at his own golf clubs. Its a straight up grift, that he doesn’t even try to hide.
I would have called it theft from the public till, but whatever.
Try this. They have to pick the fights they can win. Not enough for toilets for his travels? Underfunding of Secret Service? I’ll be “blah, blah, blah” to most people’s ears.
Jackie Spiers D-Ca knows what to shout about. It’s time to 25 him.
Yes, I saw that list. I’m trying to come up with 31 based on that list. It says the Vice President’s immediate families – Vice President and Dr. Biden have a number of grandkids, so maybe they’re included. Or maybe the 31 number includes all the former presidents, which would add two Carters, four Bushes and two Clintons to the list.
Yes, it does include former presidents and their families and minor children under the age of 16.
They should have just handed him a Thunder Bucket …
, from your lips to God’s ears …
Exactly! And whose call was it? And who were the toilets for? Maybe Secret Service has to use approved vendors like most government agencies? Maybe Secret Service insists on luxury toilets (if that’s what they were) for their agents? I have no idea, nor does the author of the USA Today story. This is just another tile in Trump’s wall-to-wall media coverage and, at least in its current form, truly is “fake news” because it sure as hell ain’t news.
The reason why the toilets had to be upgraded was because Trump probably made the SS upgrade so his golf club would look better with the more expensive toilets. When will congress do an investigation on what is going on? Trump is probably making the SS pay the golf membership for the golf carts, instead of paying cost or the price you would pay at a public golf course. Trump is gouging the American tax payers.
And the hookers have never had more business