Discussion for article #242599
Oh yeah…they know this is a mortal blow.
This pushback still doesn’t jive with what was in his book (which doesn’t jive with official records). Having your HS ROTC Commander telling you that you could go to West Point is NOT the same thing as having dinner with a general and being offered acceptance (and a scholarship, what ever that means since West Point doesn’t have “scholarships”. No cadet pays tuition).
Perhaps the Carson campaign can find “Bob,” the guy he supposedly tried to stab, to corroborate his West Point story.
Too late, Ben. Too late,
So he was accepted to West Point after all? Please make that argument Ben. I’m guessing that with this, together with his nutty interview on CNN this morning that he’ll be dropping out of the race sooner rather than later.
But, but, Bob wasn’t Bob. Will the real Bob please stand up, or perhaps the real Ben Carson. Or is Ben Carson just his ultra ego?
The Politico story is an outright Lie.
And Uncle Ben is an expert on lies;
You might be on to something. Bob could simply be Carson’s Slim Shady.
How could so many upstanding, God-fearing Christian folk fall for such a charlatan?
For the life of me, it’s such a puzzle!
Cause they wanted their OWN ni(CLANG!)
They’re just JEALOUS!
Anyone happen to know what the actual text of his book says on the matter?
Oh by the way TPM: “Carson’s Camp Refutes Politico Story on West Point.”
“Refute” means “to disprove.” Carson hasn’t disproved the Politico story–he is challenging it. There’s a big difference.
“More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going.”
Whiplash-style campaigning.
Thanks for playing…
oh no, this will simply enhance his standing with Republicans. Gotta stick it to the liberal media, ya know.
If Jesus was around you could pose that question to him. He’d have an answer at the ready in all likelihood, having pondered it himself.
“You’re lying about my lie because that’s not exactly what I lied about! I lied about something a bit different – therefore you’re lying!”
A Möliebius strip…