Discussion: Carson: We Are 'Absolutely Not' Changing Our Campaign Despite The Criticism

What else could he do with his campaign? He’s burnt every bridge in the world with reality and truth.

I am in absolute agreement with Uncle Ben. If America loses its respect for the GOP’s nuclear Jesus pimp hand, it will no longer be a place that any self-respecting, self-referencing conservative would want to live in.

Did you notice “Proverbs” was misspelled?

I see this as Jeebus holding a brother down.

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Yes he is, he’s lying, again.

Ben Carson is caught in the web, the web of deceit and his own inability to be truthful. He is mired in malarkey and hung up on horse pucky.

His campaign is in beat Trump mode and that is a loser in the campaign for the Presidency, a big loser. He’ll change like the chameleon that he is.

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Ben Carson’s got nothing on me!


That is funny !!!

Well, he has obviously lost the Washington Post, but why would he need the support of that pathetic left wing secular progressive rag when the Big Guy supports him ?

Don’t be a secular progressive grammar nazi, please…

But aren’t those the fairest kinds of Nazis?

The worst kind of Nazis !

That’s fine by me, buddy – don’t change a thing. Keep talking about the pyramids and blaming the media when your own mistakes are brought to light. Keep ducking substantive discussions of issues and keep collecting millions from right-wingers to flush down the commode with your doomed campaign. Maybe if we went back to teaching civics in school, people would understand that the president isn’t just a national mascot or a national spokesmodel but someone who needs deep knowledge of issues to do a creditable job as the chief executive of a nation.

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Yes—longtime editor, I can’t help it. Harmonized with the general tackiness, certainly.

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Somehow I doubt you have that hanging on your wall but if you did I can honestly say it’s better than what Ben has. I actually have some cat-related art myself, but nothing, uh, quite like that. : )

It’s not a thing you can help. Do you think a person would mentally correct menus and instruction manuals and so forth if he or she could help it?


The Dutch use to put the person who commissioned a painting of a scene of Jesus somewhere in the picture. But the focus was usually on Jesus not the guy who commissioned the painting.

as a long time SW developer I have developed similar habits, but I try to unwind of the job…

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Seriously the one thing I don’t think anyone should do is be snippy about little mess-ups by nonprofessionals in casual communication. There’s a very occasional commenter here who does that when his or her own stuff is rife with errors. Not cool. People criticize the editorial staff here occasionally and I think that’s fine. Standards have fallen everywhere and while it’s not the end of the world it’s not a good thing either IMHO. A bit of scolding from the readers who notice these things might help the writers remember to give their stuff one last review before hitting the publish button.

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