Good to see he’s consistent. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about 99% of the time. It’s fairly impressive to be that wrong.
It’s shocking the # of docs who think this way. The Medicaid clinic I go to denied me life saving treatment after giving me the runaround for 4 months.
Thank God for Planned Parenthood.
It’s not brain surgery, Ben—which means you should shut the fuck up!!
Well now we must remember that Dr. Carson has a great deal of experience making no sense.
His skill at surgery is not disputed.
He was a very accomplished surgeon.
Well, you wont’ get either of those conjoined at the head Siamese twins to dispute you on that point. I’ll give you one guess why.
This man could not be a medical doctor, he is a fraud.
Shut up Ben. I know they say you were a brilliant doctor but you are a lousy politician and a shitty human being. Stick to what you think you ‘know’ and spare us the rest.
Some people don’t grasp the concept that you will look like an idiot if you go on television and talk about something you clearly don’t understand.
What’s odd about Carson is that the guy does it over and over.
Answer–She’s greedy, selfish, narcissistic just like every other Republican!
There are just no words to describe the utter idiocy of a man like Ben Carson. Just no words.
Dr. Carson, Heal Thyself!!
John Hopkins is also where one of the most notorious anti-trans doctors used to work. In fact, he published journal articles basically calling the entire notion of transgenderism as bullshit. Many anti-trans haters cite his work and he has done more harm to the trans community than a great many people who have tried to stamp it out of existence.
Read it and weep:
Good Lord, this man is one dim bulb.
Children, this is what we call an idiot savant. We can no more explain his ability to function as a surgeon than we can explain how he manages to write his name.
"For someone to wake up and think that they belong to a different sex
because they feel different that day is the same as if you woke up and
said I’m Afghani today because I saw a movie about that last night and
even though my genetics might not indicate that, that’s the way I feel,
and if you say that I’m not, then you’re a racist,” Carson told the news
I guess Dr Carson slept thru that medical school course in human genetics.
LOL at a laughing stock Black Republican calling anyone else’s life an “absurdity”.
I woke up just this morning and decided I was a woman. I called my primary care physician, who immediately authorized gender-reassignment surgery. Luckily, there was a cancellation and I was able to get in during my lunch break for the surgery. I’m really enjoying my new body! But who knows, I might just change my mind tomorrow and reverse the whole thing.
I guess you can’t really call it a knack for rolling out distractions when distraction is the backdrop.
being transgender was the “height of absurdity.”
no, ben. the “height of absurdity” is being a narcoleptic neurosurgeon.