Discussion: Carson: I've Had A Gun Held On Me And I Told The Attacker Who He Wanted (AUDIO)

Bullshit. I can see the end of his candidacy from my house

Better? How about:
Ben Carson, Trumpier than Trump.

(Because Trump would have got the gunman to hand him the money, then used it to buy the Popeye’s franchise.)

So what happened next? Did he rob the place? Did someone call the cops? Where is the police report? Did you talk to the cops, he pulled a gun on you?


Dear Dr. Carson,

I realize, that you have - up to now - been using the “A Muddy Pool Appears Deep to Naive People” tactics.
This has worked reasonably well, as your poll ratings prove. However, your latest statements appear to be clear, maybe even verifiable. This will not help you. Please go back to uttering inane and opaque statements, a miracle may still happen ( and careful with that laughter!).

Yours sincerely


I ran into him in Puyallup and told him to take it to Spanaway because they’d never notice

This is the perfect metaphor for the entire Republican party.

Drugs? Delusional? Insane? BS artist? Certifiable? The only thing I can say with certainty is that he’s not anywhere near what passes for normal in a real world.

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Yeah, right-prove it!

The more amazing “wow”, is how can so many people actually want this guy to be president, when in all probability he would hand them the same fate as the poor Popeye’s employee whose life he would endanger rather than his own.

This remark pretty much epitomizes Ben Carson’s character for anyone not to afraid to accept the truth.

In most stick ups with guns, no one gets hurt. It is true that if the situation goes South, the injuries are worse and death is more likely. The gun is there to intimidate. It usually works. If this went down as stated, the most likely outcomes are either that the gunman left after he messed up by approaching Ben rather than a store employee (It clearly wasn’t the gun man’s day) or that he went ahead and robbed the store and no one got hurt.

There is a real difference between a doofus trying to stick up the place with an unseen gun and somebody who has already started shooting.



I bet he squawks his tires on his Tesla, which he bragged about driving on a Facebook Q&A, all the time. It’s a physical manifestation of the same sort of counterproductive showboating which impresses nobody as he’s doing with his BS gun bragging stories on the campaign trail.

“Shoot him - but do it in the head so I can fix him up.”

Edit: honestly if I were the gunman I’d shoot him on general principles.

What’s happened here, I think, is something awfully mundane.

Sometimes this sort of behavior gets seen by parents of children in distress, especially if they’ll able to pay close attention to their children as they develop and react to stress. Early age children’s school teachers have way more opportunities to see this phenomenon at work.

A child will tell such a story not for its informational value but for safety: to ensure attention in hopes of obtaining responses that signify acceptance or wariness or respect.

Consider a child new to a school due to a family move or parents recently divorcing, some major change in living circumstances that strikes at the child’s sense of personal security and social standing. For example, a teacher says something to a child relatively new to the class, in front of the child’s classmates, that’s something like encouraging praise - I really like how you played the part of the fiddler at the barn dance, it’s like you actually were playing, have you taken music lessons - which to teachers is a MEANS by which they can test for the child’s sense of self, but to the child contains an opening to impress everyone present - and the child will grab at the ‘lessons’ part of what the teacher said and say something like, Yes, I’ve been taking lessons for a long time.

It’s not a HURTFUL lie, it’s a RELEVATORY lie. Someone telling such a story has an exaggerated need to control social standing and command respect. To the child who says it, it holds the promise of increasing the chances of someone the child is trying to impress - a teacher, a parent, a young friend from school (but never a brother or sister, especially not a twin or older sibling - all of those will be considered too skilled at detecting and picking apart bullshit).

Beyond that, it’s more difficult to conjecture more precisely on the particular need Carson felt at the time that led to him saying this. I think it’s REASONABLE to suggest Carson perceived the questioner’s skepticism towards his broad prescriptive panacea of an unarmed grouping of people who may not even know each other rushing a young man none of them know menacing them with assault weapons and saying threats, issuing orders and demands, and saying all manner of unfamiliar things aimed at promoting disorientation and fear And on feeling that skepticism, Doctor Carson resorted to saying soothing things framed as personal anecdote to ASSURE the listener, Oh yes, listen to the doctor, he knows what he’s talking about, he’s TRIED THIS OUT.

Ben Carson has a personal insecurity problem that, with all due respect, is somewhere between that of a frightened child and President Richard M. Nixon.

“Wabbit season!”
“Duck season!”
“Wabbit season!”
“Wabbit season!”
“I say Duck season and I say’FIRE!’!”

About the same level of discourse Dr. Carson brings to the table.

  1. What was this world famous physician doing in a Popeye’s! (not very healthy doctor) !!
  2. “attack someone else” !! while I just stand here?

This guy really really is loopy!!!

This guy is delusional. He spent his whole life learning to do one thing really, really well, and only one thing. He should’ve stuck to that because he sure as hell doesn’t know shit about anything else outside of that one thing.

This guy will never be President, so besides irking me to no end with his made-up bullshit, ignorance and bigoted rants, I have no idea why I bother to read anything about him. And worst of all, I’ll never get back those couple of minutes of my life.

So Carson advised a criminal to attack someone else?? Is that not aiding and abetting a criminal act with a gun? Or am I hallucinating here?
Why didn’t Carson try to get bystanders to take the guy down as he bragged yesterday?

We now know definitively where Cosby’s missing Quaaludes are located.

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