LOL. Someone glue the mic into this guy’s hand please.
Carson: Tramp was “Talking out loud, not thinking.”
You can’t make this shit up!
So we are supposed to trust a President who every time he speaks we have to wonder . . . did he mean to say that out loud?
Once again Ben goes out of his way to put the lie to: brain surgeon equals smart.
I’m just processing these words…what does “talking out loud” mean? what are we thinking he meant…“Thinking out loud” no 'cause he says “Talking out loud, not thinking”…I hate to criticize someone for having medical problems and we all feel for older people who start to deteriorate but I think Dr Carson is starting to loose his mental faculties…why are his family still allowing him to come out and talk in public?
“He was probably talking out loud rather than thinking. That’s not a good thing to do when everything you say is going to be analyzed,”
I see Dr. Ben learned this lesson during the primary season. I also see that the Donald has yet to learn it.
In any case, it is pure projection on Ben’s part.
pro·jec·tion [pruh-jek-shuh n]
Psychology. the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself, or to regard external reality as embodying such feelings, thoughts, etc., in some way.
Psychoanalysis. such an ascription relieving the ego of a sense of guilt or other intolerable feeling.
yikes what a buffoon
Well he did call Elizabeth Warren “Pocohontas” as few hours ago, but I’m not sure that even counts anymore.
Oh, President Trump launched a strike using the nuclear codes! Explanation: He 'wasn’t thinking.'
Does Trump move his lips, when he read something ?
Carson knows whereof he speaks when he refers to Trump’s verbal diarrhea as talking out loud and not thinking. Unfortunately, Trump cannot unsay his remarks about Curiel because that would be seen as bowing to political correctness. Trump does not bow, and here’s hoping he will not pass go.
Whatever dignity and integrity Carson had remaining after his Presidential campaign is being destroyed by his association with Trump. Of course, that’s Carson’s own fault. Why he decided to ally with Trump is a mystery.
His argument here is ridiculous. Trump didn’t speak without thinking; he’s gone back to this same asinine, racist point several times. And, if Trump does in fact believe that what he said was wrong, then he ought to come out and admit that. It doesn’t reflect well on Trump that he won’t do that.
The truth is that whether Trump is a racist or not can only be determined by his words and actions. On that basis, there’s no question that he is.
“He was probably talking out loud rather than thinking…"
Great. Just what we need in a President.
Top-flight Donald Trump surrogate Ben Carson
Sorry…I couldn’t get past this nice bit of snark.
Expertise in one area doesn’t mean the person is smart in any other way.
First McConnell hands a big talking point to the Democrats, then Carson supplies the next stand-up comedy line. This is really getting interesting…
“Carson said Trump told him during a private meeting at Trump Tower …”
WOW, a private meeting with the Donald at Trump Tower. See, he likes me. I’m special.
Carson Defends Trump Judge Attacks: He Was ‘Talking Out Loud,’ Not ‘Thinking’
And it does not matter one bit if the “Not Thinking” asshole has the “Football”.
Party First, Nation Last
Agree. Carson’s bizarre public comments have deteriorated from cringe-worthy to SMH sad. His family should step up and protect him from further embarrassment.
MSM never we need a horse race $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ you know.
Trump appears to have political Turrets syndrome.