Discussion: Carson Campaign Launches Rap Ad Geared At African-American Voters

Oh, this will be a great success.


Fetty Wap or GTFO…

(Actually, GTFO can flow too.)

Reminds of the old fable about the rabbit, fox and cow.

This is up there with Cornel West’s. Masterful!

He backs fracking as well? Just another reason to not like him.

“Bullworth” comes to mind.

Rap piccolo???

1738 (the year Carson would like to take us back to). Bennie, won’t you gooo aaawaaay!


. . . in the same way that Sarah Palin wrapped up women’s votes in '08. Oh, wait . . .

Seriously, bear in mind that the real reason Republicans believe that everyone else votes along tribal lines is that it’s what they do.

Or more bluntly: Republicans voted for McCain and then Romney because they were the white guys.

The Rs actually keep saying this–clearly, but in the form of a projection: “People only voted for Obama because he’s black!”–i.e., the mirror image of how they themselves voted.
If the Ds had nominated their own white guy in 2008/2012 (say, Biden or Edwards [1]), the Republican nominees, instead of losing their respective elections by mere landslides, would have lost by such wide margins as to approach those of the Rent-Is-Too-Damn-High nominees.

What’s going to kill the GOP over the next decade (aside from re-drawing congressional districts after the 2020 census) is the fact that racists–and all their accompanying batsht [2]–are now in charge of the party. The RWNJ demographic has gone from a marginal group that needed no more than the occasional dog-whistle to vote Republican to the most critical segment of the Rs’ rank-and-file . . . and they are now driving the car.

[1] Dodged a bullet there, didn’t we?
[2] Note that racism doesn’t seem to occur by itself, but rather as part of a larger syndrome that includes sexism, religiosity (because how else could they justify this crap?), willful ignorance, paranoia, obsession with other people’s sex lives, etc.


Caring? That’s for his patients. Everyone else gets christianist libertarianism (i.e. I got mine, sucker. Get on your knees and pray for better luck in the afterlife).


with your usual…master y

Never claimed to be a master debater.

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This recent study may offer some insight – an attempt to examine how Black voters perceive Black candidates.

Lerman, Amy E. & Meredith L. Sadin. “Stereotyping or Projection? How White and Black Voters Estimate Black Candidates’ Ideology.” Political Psychology.

They use a series of randomized experiments and analyses of the American National Election Study and the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, both nationally representative surveys. It shows White and Black voters employ significantly different cognitive processes to evaluate candidates of different races. White voters tend to stereotype Black candidates as being more liberal than comparable White ones (which is already well known), but for Black voters, what’s at work is in-group ideological projection, so that Black liberals (conservatives) perceive a Black candidate to be significantly more liberal (conservative) than an all else equal White candidate (this shows stronger in Black conservatives).

One implication of this – so suppose for example there are a more conservative White candidate and a more liberal Black candidate, then Black conservative voters may perceive supporting the latter as the choice to achieve both ideological/substantive and racial/descriptive representation. More generally, this suggests Black racial bloc voting will be here to stay despite Black candidates’ ideological diversity, due to this in-group projection.

Having said that, there are always external validity caveats with regard to experimental studies, and it of course does not measure goddamnfuckinwhackjobness of hypothetical candidates (though some indicators touch upon such social issues as abortion, gay marriage etc). So I don’t know to what extent this is applicable to this particular whack case (Carson).


There is more than enough to answer Sniffit’s question, I believe, but not with great precision and with little predictive ability. I have little doubt that Americanists (the branch of PS that would be most interested in and able to investigate the question) have studied the issue. What they have to make up for the lack of hard “laws” and for the general inability to create controlled experiments is a lot of data. People who study American elections are swimming in it (though the amount of data is going to be much lower for cases of GOP minority candidates opposing Dem white candidates).

If you are curious about how Carson might affect the turnout and party split of black voters, polls close to the election will be a better guide than would be research findings.

he needs to fall and break his hip…

You can collectively blame us white people for a lot of things, but Dr. Carson’s seething mass of batshit is all his.

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OMFG! Wait til’ you see Carson’s follow up ads for the ‘urban’ market: "Free watermelon, fried chicken and collard greens!" Winning…Duh!

Ol’ Ben is right on the pulse of the urban marketplace.

Hey Uncle Ben! I have a proposal for you:

I’m done.


I’m just done.

I’m gone. I am done with this shit.

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Well…Carson did have the props as a child (As this special home vid shows.). So now he totally knows how to relate to and sell himself to “his people”!


Vote for Ben Carson: Or He Will Cut You!

I started trying to look into the question, but, not particularly surprising, there really aren’t and haven’t been a lot of black conservative politicians running for office. Heman Cain made a failed run at the Senate, and an almost run (also failed) run for the nomination. Alan Keyes used to run for Senate twice in MD, once in IL, and several times for the GOP Presidential nomination. He was destroyed in every race. Allen West ran for Congress in '08 and '10 in a heavily white district(over 80%) and lost once, won once…then moved to a different district in '12 and lost.

Tim Scott won his House seat in a heavily white district (78%) and was appointed to the Senate to take DeMint’s seat. He won a the election in 2014 for the remaining two years against Joyce Dickerson, also an Afro American by a large margin. The exit polling on that however shows Blacks voting overwhelmingly for Dickerson.

I’ll keep digging, but my gut feel is that Blacks are not more inclined to vote for conservative Blacks, they still vote ideology first, not skin color.