Please watch your language.
Liars gonna lie!!!
tried to shift the conversation by alleging that Greenberg was an undercover FBI agent.
Mueller can save you some time and attorney’s fees by stipulating that Greenberg was an undercover FBI agent. Now let’s talk about the purpose of the meeting.
Hahaha…good one! Lol!
They prolly used them there sonic waves.
Why? Is it going to do something?
Maybe the ruskies wiped out his memory with a flashy thing.
That’s quite a smirk for someone to have when they’ve just admitted to perjury and collusion with a foreign government on national TV.
Wonder how long he’ll be able to hold it when Mueller sends in the Feds with a no knock warrant?
If one just focuses on this little descriptive line…you could be talking about ANYONE IN THIS MALADMINISTRATION. Seriously.
Were you that 9-year-old? I was that 8-year-old at the local bodega.
Oooh, tricks! We loves us some tricks!!!
There you go again, Stevie, actually reading the law.
Even if Greenberg was an FBI informant, it would not explain Caputo’s willingness to meet with someone he thought was a Russian national to get the scoop on Clinton.
I see you’ve been eating your Wheaties, Ms. Riga.
He seems to regard Hawaiians and French Canadians as representing the outermost fringes of human society.
At the 500 foot level, Mueller has more than enough, imho, to indict the Trump campaign entity and all associated people for conspiracy to violate federal election laws. I know he wants to be thorough and prove to the American people that not only did they have intent but they took actions to further the conspiracy and actually succeeded, but he has enough to indict the whole group right now. What are we up to now 14 different individuals who contacted Russians in the campaign, discussed some aspect of the conspiracy (whether it be funding, policy change, campaign coordination/bots, dirt)?
Given that Sessions has put himself in a precarious position because he can’t resist the white nationalist dream, Mueller may have to pull the trigger sooner rather than later.
He forgot, but now remembers. Nothing in so many months triggered a memory, not all the talking about Russians, or Russian offers, or questions about people offering dirt about Hillary, or money being offered, nothing. But something triggered a memory recently.
I gotta go with someone reminding him of his meeting, someone with incontrovertible evidence to show, someone that would put the fear of God into him unless he spoke the truth because if he could not remember something, may be a close friend that also knew did remember and that would show he was lying.
Now he is out blabbing about his new found memory and I wonder why. Who does he want to make sure knows that he has his new found memory?
Sometimes, yes.
Whose headstone?
That would be … funny.