Discussion: Canada Legalizes Pot, Further Fueling Industry Push For Legalization Worldwide

The Jazz Fest is going to be a blast this year…


If one had bought TLRY, CGC or ACBFF last July, (cannabis companies) one would be on a natural high without taking a toke. Be warned, they are highly volatile stocks and can easily go up or down ten percent in a day. TLRY went from a peak of $214. down to $99. in one week in September.

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ACBFF will be the Berkshire-Hathaway of pot…

It just got approved to list on the NYSE…

Buy any dip below $10…

“Because of Canada’s reputation for being fairly careful, for being a good global citizen, and because of the scale of their market, it’s a more likely example for other countries.”

The Canadian reputation for being “Nice” strikes again.


It;s a hell of a burden, but the natives seem to put up with it…

Being nice that is…


ACBFF took a nice spike when they announced they were in talks with Coke to partner on a cannabis oil infused beverage. That’s when it came onto my radar.
Haven’t bought any yet, waiting and watching.

Great entry point earlier this week., picked up 200 at $9.40…

If it breaks ~12, it will run quickly to 15…

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I forget which day it was this week, all three of them were up about seven percent and then they quickly went into the red. I just about bought ACBBFF slightly under ten that day, I wasn’t quick enough. I was also watching some other stocks and when I again focused on ACBFF, it had already popped back over ten.

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Aurora and Canopy are rated the smartest moves. Tilray is too volatile…

Aurora is the way I’m going, bought in July…

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Invest NOW.

Well done…

I bought 300 around when the Coca-Cola connection was announced, closed them for $10:50 for a fast 30%, bought back on the dip…

Price target of 15, then another pull back…

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Yep, I was also pleased when the rumor started about ACBFF collaboration with Coca-Cola, which was already in my portfolio. Not sure if that’s going anywhere or not…

Marketwatch has been doing good reporting on all the major Canadian cannabis companies, as well as warnings about the “pump-and-dump” ones…

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Ganga is the hottest play in the market now…

I’ll see your Styx and raise you one Sweet Leaf…

Michigan is going to vote on legalizing recreational pot Nov. 6th (We already have medical pot). I work in Downtown Detroit across the Detroit River from Windsor Ontario. The news over the last few days has been warnings to us Americans about trying to bring pot back from Canada. Also Walmart of Canada wants to be able to sell pot products. Wild!

Worker’s in the Canadian pot industry have been warned about travelling to the US. Sniffer dogs will incriminate them.

My problem is the smoking part. I don’t want to see a renaissance of smoking of anything. For my family we like the little candies. I’m not really fond of pot because I like to keep alert and awake.

Try a vaporizer.