Discussion: Can The Left Trust Obama In The New Social Security Fight?

Disabled veterans.

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I think they are right to worry. More importantly we must never elect a President gain with such weak negotiating skills Obama always seems to give away half his give ups before the start of talks leaving nothing in his hand. I am not sure of any particular skill Hillary has although I pray Novenas she doesnā€™t run, I stil feel she could be the sole way we lose.

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As I understand it (the article was frustratingly light on substance), the issue concerns the part of the Social Security Trust Fund that covers those receiving disability payments (SSDI). That fund is separate from the part of the fund that pays Social Security benefits, and has to be replenished every now and again when it runs out. The act of replenishing has been fairly routine for a couple of decades. (ā€œWe need another $150 billion in the disability fund.ā€ ā€œOKā€). If that process were left in place, the entire fund (disability and SS) would last until at least 2033 at current projections.

The first House procedural rule includes a change to that process, requiring that any replenishment of the disability fund required an offset, leaving the impact on the overall trust fund at zero. This opens the disability fund and the trust fund to Tea Party mischief.

What I donā€™t understand is why everyone has their guts in a tizzy. First, Obama isnā€™t being asked to sign anything, because the action was a House procedural rule. So, in 2016, the House refuses to authorize replenishing the disability fund, and Congress canā€™t agree on cuts or increased SS taxes that would zero out the transfer. Does Obama have to worry that 11 million disability benefit recipients will have their benefits cut, or that SS benefits will be cut? I donā€™t think so. He can sit back, veto any bill coming through that lowers benefits and raises taxes only on the middle class, and let the Repubs absorb the responsibility for the ensuing debacle during an election year.

Let them do this. Obama will be fine.


President Obama often waits before he shows his hand to allow the GOTP time to hang themselves.


Weak negotiating skills? And weak on terrorism, and weak on the economy, and weak on immigration.



Evidence please.


The concern first should be blue dogs in the Senate and House.

Republicans dying for ā€œbipartisanā€ cred.


Just when I began to root for Obama again he lets me down. Please not this time.

Really? What exactly has he said or done to let you down on this?


What are the alternatives to trusting him? Last time I checked, he ran one of the two political branches and the sworn enemies of the entire New Deal run the other.


I am sick to death of supposed liberals whining because Obama didnā€™t give them the unicorn they wanted so badly.

Heā€™s not just president for liberals or progressives.
Heā€™s president for everyoneā€”which means he wonā€™t always make liberals happy.

But there is no proof of any kind that President Obama will do anything negative to Social Security, either in retirement benefits or disability benefits.

If you are worried about what heā€™ll do, then write to the White House <whitehouse.gov/contact> and tell him what you believe he should do.

And stop whining.

Edited to add this: whitehouse.gov/contact


The Republican media never write what they do. Their followers will deny that the GOP has been committed to destroy social security and medicare for generations. They will then chant Soros, Benghazi or the theme of the day. If Elizabeth Warren keeps going to the left of Obama with her ā€œbreak up the big banksā€ and wanting to kill the trade agreements then they will chant she is an Indian.

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Oh, I see. I misunderstood the question.

Trust Obama? I vote for politicians, defend them in arguments, and maybe even work on GOTV efforts, but there is no politician Iā€™d ever actually trust.

Once theyā€™re in office, you do what you can to pressure them to do what you want. It may not have the greatest effect, but as Thunderclap Newman suggests below, you can start by writing them.


It appears the Dems have around 35-40 turncoats in their own ranks in the House that they need to be much more worried about. If they canā€™t be completely unified on everything the way the right is they will not get anything with or without the POTUS.


Yep - Right wing trolls trying to demoralize the Dem base. Again.


I donā€™t know if Obama will be fine on this, but you are right. I thought progressives knew how to read and think. This Republican move is about funding SS Disability, not retirement for older people. (OhMyGod they want to turn granny out in the streets! No they donā€™t, well not in this case).

Like any buildup over the years of any bureaucratic process, SS Disability, which is not as simple and cut and dried as SS retirement (62, here you go , so much $ based on earning history, 65, hereā€™s a better deal, 66, the best) might benefit from some looking at.

Of course the Republicans donā€™t really want to think about it, just cut it.


ā€œObama caves!!1ā€ is back. Yay.

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People [center-left] put their absolute trust in President Obama when they did not show-up to vote in the last consequential electionā€¦ what else have they got now?

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So, if Iā€™m understanding this correctly, this doesnā€™t actually become an issue until late 2016 during the heat of campaign season when Republicans will be defending 36 seats, many in blue or purple states? At a time when many Republicans will be running on ā€œSee, Iā€™m not really crazy. I can be all bipartisan-y!ā€, I canā€™t imagine theyā€™d want to pick a fight over Social Security.