Their “strength” is lying as a complement to their ineptitude and corruption, which is about all they’re talented at. Your statement is based on an assumption that voters can repent of bad choices (electing Republicans) in favor of something that helps them because a Dem candidate pitched it nicely. Well, that’s just not true. These voters are stupid, gullible, racist assholes. They hate Dems. They live to hate Dems. So Dems are charged with a Sisyphean task that is easily undone when a GOP sonofabitch screams “socialism!!!” or what not. The voters are then snapped back into attention and obey the Republican. Find a strategery to beat that, and you might have something.
This is so endlessly tiring to listen to. You can outreach all day long to Latino voters, but until you have learned how to crack the reactionary mindset that is deep rooted among (especially) elder Latinos, you’re wasting your time. This particular mindset has everything to do with culture, which is gonna take a lot more than recording a message in Spanish spoken with a midwestern accent.
HRC won the largest margins in history for a Dem in Dade County and Broward County. Nelson/Gillum failed to hold on to those gains. Obviously, she was doing something right. I think Gillum especially dropped the ball on this.
Yes, and there are tons of clips and quotes of Republicans over the years scare mongering about how Medicare and SS will ruin the country and steal our freedom. Don’t know why Democrats don’t do these “branding” type ads.
Nope. I do not believe a democrat has any chance of winning Florida despite the fact there are more blue than red registered voters. It is too corrupt. In counties that are overwhelmingly democrat, "R"s get elected (selected) anyway. After Gov. Voldemort bought himself the state house with money he stole from Medicaid, he managed to get himself selected to the US Senate. The Rs control every aspect of the politics in Florida and they care for nothing but lining their pockets with graft.
Florida. has lots of Military active plus retired. and baptist evangelicals. the Military got all their benefits not interested in anybody else getting them and well the evangelicals are just mean. lol
Ugh. I actually experienced the Florida Democrat chaos. First I was recruited with a couple of others to revamp my county Dems’ website. That initiative simply disappeared, due to confusion and also the fact that the one employee they had, who was supposed to run the effort, hated her boss because he was so condescending and mean. She just ghosted us.
Another time I was signed up to do door-to-door voter registration. I got emails from two separate groups with different meetup times, and I ended up being late. And confused by the instructions that made no sense.
Oh, and unless they plan on attacking the proven GOP tactic of throwing out vote-by-mail ballots for even the tiniest signature difference in crucial districts, I refuse to push that initiative. Might as well encourage Dem voters to ignore the election.
First, try ad buys on Fox stations to point out that Republicans will try to take away Social Security and Medicare. Also, send people in to be interviewed by Hannity and his ilk to repeat these truths. Forget Medicare for all, etc. The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare was a major step forward that the Repubs voted over and over to get rid of, until they couldn’t. Hammer Hannity. He’s got nothing.
I know first hand about Pinellas being “blue” again, but it was due to the hard work of outside groups, such as OFA, and SIEU, as well as many out-of-state volunteers who endlessly canvassed, called and knocked on doors during the final weeks prior to the election.
But, here’s the frightening part which shouldn’t be lost on the Florida Democratic Party: Pinellas had higher numbers than Miami-Dade and Broward Counties (doors knocked, calls made, etc., all the grassroots empirical data relied upon by campaigns). While there was some immediate jubilation, it quickly turned to horror as we realized that Pinellas has a much lower population than the two counties in southeast Florida. AND THIS WAS THE MAJOR ISSUE!!! The Florida Democratic Party organization in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm just stinks! They didn’t do their part to GOTV, canvas or organize. If they had, turn out would have been greater as these are solidly blue counties.
Florida Dems and the Executive Committee need to throw out the trash in South Florida, and bring in new blood that knows how to community organize and GOTV. There was no reason for losing both the Senate and Gubernatorial races by less than a percentage point (or was it 1/2 a percentage point???). Unless and until they admit the problems within their own house, they’ll never win statewide.
Now to the @Sonsofares: There are 2 types of hispanic voters in Florida: former Cuban exiles who nearly always vote Republican (see: Rubio, Marco), and the newer influx of Puerto Ricans and from Central America and Mexico. The Cuban bloc is better established and multi-generational, strong and tends to have higher voting percentages. They other bloc has lower voting turnouts, language and knowledge barriers, or is afraid to vote. While there is a push to register these newer non-Cuban voters by Florida Dems, as well as outside groups, it’s going to take time to bear fruit.
They aren’t going to appeal to these people unless they become Republicans. Northern Florida isn’t much different in culture and outlook than Georgia, S. Carolina, Mississippi or Alabama. Is anyone strategizing on how to “flip” these states short of all the GOP supporters suddenly dropping dead?
It’s been disappointing to me that the Democrats have not made more of the Republican’s refusal to expand Medicaid under the ACA. There are 10’s of thousands of Floridians who would be covered under expansion, many of whom probably don’t even know it. Yet the Dems are largely silent.