Discussion: Cambridge Analytica CEO Suspended Pending Investigation

I so desperately want to see them go to jail. And Erik Prince and his god-awful sister. And the entire Trump family. And Nunes, Rohrabacher, and most of the rest of the GOP Congress. And of course Flynn and Manafort. Shit…I wish I had built a for-profit prison for the occasion…it would be full-to-brimming before this is over. Oh…and how could I forget that harpy Sarah Huckabee Sanders? And let’s throw in her pa for good measure. And Hope, just to keep her BFF Ivanka company. Not to mention half of her boyfriends who will also be there.

Hell. Forget the for-profit prison. Just open the gates of Hell for them all.




On second thought, let them rot in prison as a half-way house to Hell.

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A feint…within a feint … within a feint …

(Frank Herbert …)


They suspended their CEO, Nix,
Because of his scandalous tricks.
But they shouldn’t have stopped,
After Nix had been chopped,
'Cause they’re all just a bunch of big dicks.


“No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!”


This is going to be like whack-a-mole. From Wendy Siegelman: [Cambridge Analytica executives created a company with the Exec]utive Director & Deputy Chairman of Erik Prince’s Frontier Services Group1


Didn’t papa Mercer recently divest some holdings and park them with his kid?

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Whistleblower claims that CA came up with most of “Trumpism” in 2014! Build the wall, crooked Hillary etc- says Bannon knew about the research in the catch phrases. Seems Trump is literally a puppet to multiple groups. Fukun parrot.


It is an interesting side note that the White House Staffer who left the password to his email account on official stationary at a bus stop recently was also using Proton Mail (which Nix touts as helpful in covering their tracks as it can be configured to automatically delete/destroy messages after a certain amount of time has passed.

As many have noted in these comments, I also highly recommend watching the twitter feeds of:

Carole Cadwalladr, one of the Guardian Reporters who has been doggedly following this issue for months if not years:

Wendy Siegelman, an independant journalist who has also been working on these issues:

Lots of late breaking news has been showing up in the feeds of these two indefatigable journalists.


Steady on, old chap.


The plot thickens:
Carol Cadwalladr posted on Twitter a little while ago that Cambridge Analytica is in essence a shell company, with no assets and no employees, and that Nix is now CEO of another company set up by (surprise!) the Mercers. Read it here: Cambridge Analytica is a legal fiction


While that’s true, SCL blinked here and are attempting to manage their liability risk. They will be investigated and they will have to turn everything over to Mueller.


Whoa, smells to high heavens. Destroying evidence is my first (only?) guess.

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Something similar in Brazil (this is pre-CA, which was founded 2013, could be parent company Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL)).

Fake profiles boosted Brazilian ex-president Dilma
A BBC investigation has found that fake social media accounts and blogs were used to back the candidacy of Dilma Rousseff in Brazil during the 2010 election campaign. Rouseff won the election and was later re-elected before being impeached on corruption charges. She and her party deny any knowledge of the fakes.

And some background on CA

Cambridge Analytica: The data firm’s global influence

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I read elsewhere that some are now speculating that Bannon and CA were for Trump all along and screwed Ted Cruz along the way.

@ralph_vonholst I just found her feed - and she has found a new creation/offshoot.


Nix likes to think of himself as an international man of mystery, but he’s really a fucking gun for hire that weaponizes propaganda. In other words, he’s just as sociopathic as a your average arms dealer. Nix was nixed by CA but that’s nothing more than damage control and PR. He’s still in the disinformation game, to be sure.


Facebook whistleblower gives evidence to MPs on Cambridge Analytica row - live



The professor in the intrigue -

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