Discussion: California Chief Justice Protests Immigration Agents 'Stalking' Courts

Interesting factoid that I didn’t know until reading this article a few weeks ago, Cantil–Sakauye was a year behind new A.G. Xavier Becerra at McClatchy High School (also Anthony Kennedy’s alma matter)…

Trump vs. California: Is Xavier Becerra about to face a conflict he can’t resolve

I’m not a Stein voter (because her party holds exactly .002% of all elected offices in this country, and thus is not a serious political party). On the other hand, blaming Trump on the people who voted for her is silly. Hillary ran a crappy campaign in any number of ways, and Hillary and her surrogates and supporters acted like shits to both Sanders and the people who supported the other Democratic candidate. More importantly, a whole bunch of idiots, semi suicidal protest voters and seemingly every fascist/racist scumbags in the country voted for Trump. Of course the Electoral college then sealed the deal by putting the numerical loser into the driver’s seat. Focusing on Stein is silly, but if you must look at the small actors, you might want to consider looking at yourself. I know that in retrospect, most of us are to blame in some small way.

I wont defend Hillary, but votes have consequences and we are now living with those consequences. Well, I’m living; some are dying.

Ours is not a parliamentary system where coalition governments can be formed. Our Presidential elections are a ‘winner take all’ deal. Fight like hell for the progressive agenda of your dreams, but if your candidate doesn’t convince enough people to win the nomination, then you vote for the one who did, because throwing a vote away in a fit of pique is the same as voting for the other side. Winner take all.

Compromise is part of the bargain.


They intelligently managed the resources they had, which would have been squandered on propping up Western Empire. I think the fact that no attempt was made to maintain it after Justinian’s reconquest , clearly shows they knew it was not worth the effort or tremendous resources it would have taken. Smartest decision they made.

First off, I hate the term undocumented immigrant. It sounds like some guy who left his ID in his hotel room.

Sounds like the ICE people are being smart…you cast your net where the fish are.

The abbreviation of California to Cali always makes me think of the drug cartel. Confusing. Why not use CA?

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elcapitan likes to switch horses when he’s led his current mount over a cliff.

Yesterday, elcapitan commented: Winning elections is a means to an end. We won 2 Presidential elections…can you remind me the name of the Supreme Court Justice Obama put on the bench?

When informed that Obama had put two justices on the court, not zero, elcapitan switched to: I was looking for the name of the Justice that turned it from a conservative Court to a liberal…that’s the name I want. Do you have it?

Commenter is a bit of a firebrand, which is fine, but I’m turned off by careless abandonment of passionate claims when the claims don’t pan out. It reeks of phoniness.

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No I firmly believe the Eastern Empire was better off without the West, frankly jumping into an argument you clearly don’t understand makes you seem like a dilettante.

When coprophagoussmile caught you shifting arguments, I pointed out that it wasn’t the first time you’d done so in your recent posting history.

Good luck finding anything I said about the Roman Empire that demonstrated a lack of understanding.

I guess you and your shit eating friend don’t get nuance. Have a nice day dilettante.

Nice exit.

Weak. Stupid. Totally you…