Discussion: Cain Comes To Carson's Defense: Liberals Resent Black Conservatives Who Left 'Democrat Plantation'

I wonder how Conservatives feel about Liberal Christians…

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Herman, I don’t resent Carson because he’s black or a GOPer. I disagree with him. I don’t resent him. I disagree with his deliberate willfully stupid statements when he knows they are wrong. It has to be a painful headache inducing exercise for Carson to rectify his Biblical assumptions with the science and surgical experience he had to learn and acquire to get good at surgery. He rejects the measurable repeatable scientific data human kind has built over centuries in favor of bronze age writings that say a human lived for 900 years (Methuselah) or that marching seven times around the city of Jericho and then blowing some ram’s horns made the walls of that city collapse.


Playing the race card!!!

Nawww…We just don’t like conservatives. Especially the really dumb ones.

Herman Cain is still a wealthy, ego-driven, know-nothing, asshole and his pizza sucks.
Some things never change.

Actually Herman, the ones we resent are still on the Republic[sic] plantation, and are called something that rhymes with louse diggers.

It is self-evident that Herman Cain is not too bright…

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Cain!! bwhahahha!!
He didn’t even make it out of the RNC!
Oh man are you in trouble when Herman Cain has to come to your defense!

Put together they wouldn’t make one acceptable candidate.

Factoid: Ironically, 999 was not only Herman Cain’s side splitting and laughable tax plan, but also the exact number of lies Ben Carson told in his last book! Amazing!

Cain said he also still holds a lot of ill will toward Politico, which ran a story about two women who accused Cain of sexual harassment in the 1990s.

Because he WAS accused of sexual harassment by two different women in the 1990s. But the absolute final straw, which many of you didnt see, happened on the local FOX affiliate. They were interviewing the woman he was still having an affair with on live TV. The news is breaking everywhere nationally, Cain is preparing to go on stage somewhere else to address it.

The woman hands her phone over to the interviewer and shows him she has Cain’s number right there. The interviewer texts Cain from that phone. And within 30 seconds, Cain CALLS her right back. Live on TV.

Done and done. No speech denying it. Entire campaign is over.

Cain wasn’t brought down by the media. Cain was brought down by his own inability to keep his pants zipped. Even while he is facing mounting criticism, he still is jumping all over a text thinking its a booty call.


On the Eisenhower Interstate System created by the last decent Republican president. The last one who won plurality of African American voters.

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Hey, gotta give lots of props to the African-American community. They sure as hell don’t seem to be falling for this shit.

But you can forgive Republicans for not being able to leave race out of it… right? Even the black ones? lololol

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Well, the Teapublicans honestly seem to believe that Dems elected Obama out of a really silly, misguided sense of “affirmative action”… so they promptly found themselves some blacks that “speak their code,” like Cain, Steele and Carson.

I mean, Teapublicans project compulsively… so they can be forgiven for thinking that EVERYONE operates this way, a transparently self-serving, pandering way… That’s the way THEY think, so naturally they project their bullshit onto everyone else…

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Why it it that so many black conservatives use the plantation analogy? The Republican Party that Ed Brooke, Louis Sullivan and Jackie Robinson were members of never spoke that way about government. They were actually interested in having it function and having a positive impact on people’s lives. Robinson would not endorse Goldwater in 64 because he thought they went too far right. Can Mr. Cain tell us where this oppressive plantation is? Just look at the ways we all benefit from effective government. The health insurance that is part of your employment contract is not provided by your employer out of the goodness of their heart, they get a tax credit for providing their employees with health insurance. Mr. Cain survived cancer because he had insurance. This is the 2nd largest tax expenditure in the code, the 1st is the mortgage deduction which I’m sure they benefit from as well. I’m sure when they wake up in the morning eat the tasty USDA inspected eggs and bacon that got to their market on a federally funded road or rail system. Then they step outside their door and the streets are safe, the infrastructure is functional and inspected. When they take care of their banking the FDIC and SEC is looking out on their behalf so they are not taken in by some Ponzi scheme. And I’m sure their parents and relatives love their Medicare and Social Security. Yeah, some plantation.


Herman is most comfortable quoting Smurf movies.

Herman you poor sod, you never left the plantation…

I’m getting tired of ladder pulling stepin fetchits, like this koon, using the plantation anology to glorify themselves in the eyes of regressive white people. It goes to show that they don’t know shit about slave history. To set the record straight, It was the KONSERVATIVE slave that kared more about his master than he did about himself and his own people. It was the KONSERVATIVE slave that would rat out the liberal progressive slaves if they plotted to run off the plantation. It was the KONSERVATIVE slave that was the reason why Harriet Tubman rolled strapped on UGR missions, so that she kould kill them before they kould foil their plans for freedom. A good example of a KONSERVATIVE black would be Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Django Unchained. Anyway, I can’t respect a douche bag when asked why he didn’t participate in the civil rights movement of the 60’s is that he “he was taught by his father not to get into any trouble” Kowardly bastard

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Harriet Tubman said that she would’ve freed more slaves if they wanted to acknowledge that they were slaves

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