He continues to astonish me.
Get under the Swindler-in-Chief’s skin any way possible.
Pete keeps his cool, Donnie loses his cool. Pete is intelligently thoughtful, Donnie is recklessly emotional. Which traits are Presidential? Survey Says???
They didn’t get it ?
That’s called putting the knife in, walking casually away, and having a leisurely dinner before Donnie even knew he’d been stabbed.
Nah. The audience probably skews toward people interested in Mayor Pete. Not representative of the party as a whole.
So stupid to help out faux news.
I dunno. If you listen to the man-on-the-street interviews, even many MAGAts comment about wishing Spankee’d stop it with the damned tweets.
The only one who doesn’t seem to get this is Twitler himself.
The GRU is really going to have to get more serious in their anti-Buttigieg oppo research. Parscale is tiring of going into the Oval Office every morning empty-handed on this guy.
Disagree, I think he did well. Managed to call out Carlson and Ingram as well. Very well done
So? What long term impact does that do?
Is there any breakdown of composition of the audience? Pete’s done a good job as usual but we’ve got to have more accurate data and not overestimate the impact of his remarks.
Don’t know but if it remained unsaid it would have no impact…
This. Guy. Is. So. F$%*ing. Good.
I hear he ran over his time allotment in the shower once while deployed to Afghanistan and used up all the hot water, leaving his battle buddies to shiver through cold ones.
so helping faux news stay afloat is worth that tiny tiny tiny impact?
You may want to listen to the interview. He goes into some detail as to why he appeared. It was a damn smart answer.
Have to have a pretty long knife to get through 239 lbs of fat.
I like Buttigieg. Trump was right to pout about his appearance on Fox.
The man is a great communicator. Smart and energetic. I see him climbing in the polls.