Discussion: Buttigieg Supporters Drown Out Hecklers Screaming About Sodom And Gomorrah

Yes, that’s what I see too. He speaks to them, but he doesn’t pander to them. He is up front about his progressive and liberal ideals and ideas.


He is not courting Trump voters.

What he is doing is not demonizing them. Even as this report describes it, he turned to the hecklers to remind them they are members of the caucus, too.

I once heard an interviewer ask him (gleefully) how he would (paraphrasing) “cut Trump down” in a debate. His response was that he intends to present his ideas rather than spend time trading zingers.

@emiliano4 I honestly do not see Pete boasting of “outsmarting” anyone. He doesn’t have to. I have seen him in person (a talk at the County Library), and he carries himself as an adult. I’m an old lady, and I truly roll my eyes at many “under 35’s,” so I know what you mean. It could be significant that at that the (overflow) crowd at the library was made up of all ages, colors, economic statuses, and I can assume, gender identities and orientations (I didn’t ask…).


It’s still too early. I can’t make up my mind between Harris and Warren. Let’s have the debates. Bernie and Joe may stumble.


Trump says the only alcohol he consumes is at his Presbyterian church communion. I’m not a Presbyterian, but my first husband was, and the church he went to used grape juice as the communion beverage, not wine. As far as I know only Roman Catholics, Anglicans and Episcopalians use wine for communion.

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Yea I agree.

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Does health insurance cover being turned into a pillar of salt?


People actually believe Trump goes to church?


I’ll be 82 in Sept, and I don’t want Biden to be Dem nominee. I will vote for Kamala Harris in the primaries, and hope she will pick Mayor Pete as her running mate. He seems to have more ideas and staying power than Beto. I don’t know if I will want to keep on living if Trump gets re-elected!


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We need more of exactly this across the board.


I would to like to the ER transcript on that one.


Even by those standards, he’s exceptional. He gives the kind of responses that come from having mentally gamed everything out in his mind beforehand, knowing what image he wants to project, and then (here’s where the gifted part comes in) being intellectually deft enough to respond to challenging questions and situations effortlessly without being knocked off theme, all while looking smooth, genuine, and unscripted. Bill Clinton could do that before the press damaged his credibility, Obama could do it sometimes, but outside of them I draw a blank on others.


Never thought about it but it would be interesting - Trump loves military guys but might be uncomfortable with a gay man (except…Pence?). Trump’s predatory machoism wouldn’t work on Buttigieg for sure.

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Ezekial 16:48-50: “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.”



He’s the same age as Jacinda Ardern, give or take. Just sayin’.


As a POC I can assure you that many POC are rabidly homophobic (and misogynist). I am not sure how they will receive Mayor Pete. However, they will be relieved to have a candidate who doesn’t make you gag each time he opens his mouth.



Lot offered his daughters to the Mob to save his own skin (and later committed incest with them, with no repercussions from God) and the denizens of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their callous and arrogant treatment of visitors and the poor (kind of a Biblical Las Vegas attitude.)

You don’t see ANY reference to Gay-sex in Church writings until the 11th Century which seized upon this chapter as a condemnation of it for purely political purposes (up to that time Roman society was quite tolerant of Homosexual liaisons, at least between men.)
Interestingly, that is the same time-frame that the Church began characterizing Mary Magdalene as a Prostitute (something nowhere in the original texts.)


Actually, I remember ( back in my church-going days) the Lutherans used wine also.


Please excuse me my ignorance: What does POC stand for ?

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ALL of the sourcing for that story came from “anonymous sources” and the fact that it simultaneously appeared on HuffPost, Politico, and FOX is highly suspect as to the sourcing (typical “some-say” FOX reporting.)
Everyone who has gone on the record about it says she is great to work for, but expects you to do your job and not whine about it.
Someone I know personally (my Elections Supervisor) worked for Amy for 7 years and can’t say enough good things about her and can’t understand where those stories came from.
But, if you want to wallow in “Confirmation Bias” you go right ahead…

Buttigieg Supporters Drown Out Hecklers Screaming About Sodom And Gomorrah

“Sodom and Glocca Morra”
—Archie Bunker

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