Discussion for article #245849
NH GOP: Is Jeb! still running?
Jeb! is ready to swoop in like a mighty vulture!
Any resemblance to a fictional character is strictly in your head.
Dear John
You and Marco are in the same boat and neither can likely get 20% to save your life.
So get that paddle and stroke son.
You are losing daylight.
NH is the past, Jeb! Stop reliving your glory days of fourth place finishes. Get on with South Carolina, and move up to third if you can.
Jeb Bush should abandon any Presidential aspirations and do what he is truly skilled at, i.e. becoming the opening act for a cadaver.
Which gets more applause. And more laughs.
I like Jeb!'s strategy. Stand around and look stupid till they draft you at the convention.
Trump rolls on, blissfully unaware, and not caring, just like his supporters.
Rubio flamed out (who knew robots needed so much water?)
Kasich finally got some NAME RECOGNITION.
Cruz found out there are very, very few Evangelicals in New Hampshire.
Carson is still so far out in La La Land he thinks he is winning.
Christe and Carly faced the music and will now concentrate on the VP position.
Bushy Boy needs to get out the butter as he is toast.