Discussion: Bundy Ranch Still Trying To Turn BLM Standoff Into A National Movement

He’s hugely popular with me. I want him to have a microphone in his face every day.

Hell, I’ll even ask him if there is anything I should know about the Negro.

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He flies the flag, loves the constitution, enjoys the benefits of federal largess, but does not recognize the authority of the federal government.

This is the logic teenagers use when they want the benefits of living at home, but also want to drink beer and avoid mowing the lawn.


How did your silly species survive? Ugg puzzled.


OK. In a liberal democracy (supposedly) of more than a quarter billion people, you get a few … … hmmm … … ignorant frightened racist flaming assholes? It’s simple math. Ho hum.


When I worked for the California Desert District of the BLM in the late 1970’s and eighties, we had a number of sociologists and outdoor recreation planers on staff. One of the research results that came out of the land use planning process was that there was a kind of competitive exclusion of “contemplative recreationalists” [hikers, rock climbers, tent campers, wildlife watchers, etc.] by the ATV, “power-based recreationalists.” Formerly quiet camping areas and locales became crowded, noisy, dirty and dusty and the contemplative recreationalists left, never to return.

Exclusion of ATV folks from certain areas, especially environmentally sensitive ones was necessary not only to protect the environment from the depredations of ATVs and their operators, but also to preserve the rights of those interested in a quiet contemplative “natural” experience on public lands.

In return, the BLM established what was called ATV [or OHV] “open areas”. A few of us in vegetation and Wildlife management referred to such places as “kiss-off” areas because large areas of land, such as as in Johnson Valley, in the central Mojave Desert suffered soil compaction, destruction of soil crusts and became quickly denuded of vegetation and devoid of wildlife. And it’s not just fugitive dust and barren ground, valley fever spores, and in some parts of California, asbestos particles from serpentinite, are loosed into the air.

But these extensive sacrifice areas were never enough. The ATV community, at least the noisy leaders, always wanted more and more land to flog as they “used up” existing open areas and sadly, the BLM often gave in. One of my colleagues drew an analogy that went something like: “If recreational chain-sawing ever came into vogue, Was it the government’s obligation to provide trees for recreational chain-sawyers to cut down?” Certainly not!

These folks are drawn to power, loud noises and destruction. Remember the yahoos in Utah who toppled the hoodoo? The obsession with guns is just another example of their addiction to a lifestyle dependent upon the worst forms of technological profligacy. These lands belong to the public of the United States. They are not there for special interests to “use up” and discard, subsequently inflicting the consequent externalities upon the rest of us – selfish fucking assholes!


Bundy is right. There is a war on the horizon. The participants are earth versus the 7 billion doofuses who ruined a perfectly good planet (and the only one currently available).


Bundy is so last month. Yawn.

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Krauthammer has to wade thru all of the Benghazi and Climate Change info. He’ll be ready to take on Bundy by six PM, today.

Not to worry - I’m sure this asshole will have a book out soon.

No, not that constitution. The one that says corporations are people too, my friend.


Isn’t all this a form of sedition?


I’d be floored if Bundy could name 1 provision of the Constitution outside of the 2nd and 10th amendments.


Ralph, you’ve hit the nail on the head. A huge amount of the anger at the BLM and the feds is precisely due to the fact that these ATV assholes want to ride their vehicles wherever they want with no restrictions of any kind. In terms of the total number of violations of state and federal laws and regulations, these nihilist thugs can hold their own with any drug cartel, mob family, or urban street gang.


Yeah! Free grazing land for all Americans! Now we just need to buy a few cows… unless we can get those for free from the government too.

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someone downthread posted how they wondered how these militia members had the time and the money to be hanging out at the Bundy Branch Bovinian. I would have posted this as a reply to their comment…but this STUPID COMMENTING SYSTEM WOULD NOT LET ME. /rant

Anyhoo: here it is… the Bundy Militia Leader who made news threatening Harry Reid receives disability payments. http://aattp.org/bundy-militia-leader-who-wants-to-rip-harry-reids-balls-off-lives-on-government-disability/

I used to comment here all the time. Now it is unbearable. If anyone is looking for me, I’ll be over at RawStory…


Hello Candace, to post a reply just look for the little arrow in the bottom right corner of the post you want to reply to and click your mouse. If you want to see all the replies to a post, or the OP related to a reply, just click on the “(replying to CandaceTX)” next to my name and it will show the conversation sequentially. Once you get the hang of the new system, it’s a hell of a lot better than most others.

That’s a repeating theme throughout American history. See, for example, the short history of the commune that Louisa May Alcott’s father tried to start, the one he called “Fruitlands” (which has always struck me as an unintentionally funny name):



I’m not going to write a long post explaining it again, but Canada has had similar problems with people like this in the past: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Crisis

The solution Trudeau, our PM at the time, hit on was simple: overwhelming force, surprise, and mass arrests. A message needs to be sent to these people - threats, defiance of the law, and anarchy will not be tolerated in a democratic society ruled by law. Arrests also have the added benefit of giving these people a public forum - and the best arguments against this fringe insanity is allowing the fringe to speak, plainly and for all to see.


Candace. Don’t go away. It just takes a little bit of getting used to Believe me I am probably one of the most non-technical people here and I am “getting it”. You can even send private messages to folks. Don’t leave us


They want their very own Ruby Ridge, to charge up their martyrdom batteries for another generation of armed soreheads.