Discussion for article #222323
You’re going to end up in jail. Dumbass.
Good luck with that.
What a bunch of political theater.
Anyone else see the parallels between the Bundy Family and the Westboro Baptist Church?
Men blocking access to public land Men blocking public roads Men harassing people for taking photos Men impersonating Police officers Men claiming to be a police officer and refusing to show valid identification Men threatening to use Tasers Men threatening to fire upon unarmed civilians Men using attack dogs Men pointing weapons Assault
To summarize Bundy - too many dicks on the dancefloor
Now drug dealers who get served with no-knock warrants can charge the cops with breaking and entering…what?..Oh,tell us all how it’s different, Cletus.
Delicious right wing kookiness.
That’s right, Cliven - cart your dumb, racist a$$ down to the Sheriff where they can arrest you and your pack of unhinged fools. Come for the atmosphere, stay for the, well, you can’t leave.
To summarize, too many mens up in here.
I hope they do arrest him. This is absolutely ridiculous. He and his legion of crazies are going to clog up the sheriff’s office, waste police man hours and resources filing criminal complaints against the BLM all so that he and his trashy family can stay in the spotlight. If police are too busy corralling these clowns to respond to a real crime, I hope the victim or their family sues the fuck out of this idiot. You own this one, Hannity.
If they haven’t already determined that the sheriff will cooperate, they might be in an interesting predicament if he refuses to act, since according to Mr. Bundy the sheriff is the only legitimate legal authority.
Also, they may open a can of worms, because I suspect that most of these allegations would apply equally to them.
Keeping the crazy train rolling along.
At some point Bundy is going to be spouting his tough guy bullshit to the Feds, and finish by saying, right boys, and when he turns around his boys will be gone.
Will Head of Security Boodabear issue a sitrep that the feds are busily ‘invading’ his ranch while he’s gone?
That’s what I thought when I read the list.
And the sheriff didn’t hold him for his mental instability, as a possible threat to self and/or others?
What a way to finally turn yourself in, Dodge City style. I guess if he is arrested, the Pat(riots) will riot and storm the jail.
Clearly they’re getting advice from Sarah Palin and The Donald: Say anything… Do anything… Just make sure the press releases fly.
Cliven Bundy Family: "[T]he BLM was threatening us all...."
Pretty sure the Bundymentalists pointed loaded weapons at duly-sworn federal officers.
By all means, file a criminal report over the incident. Just be careful what you wish for…
Will Hannity be covering this live?