Discussion: Brother Of NAACP Prez In Race Scandal Says She Warned Him: "Don't Blow My Cover"

I’d like to know the family dynamics and the "why’ element appears to be missing from the stories.
Of course anyone accused of anything should be able to defend themselves, I didn’t suggest otherwise. There has to be more going on in that family than reporting has detailed.

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We will never know what trauma (if any) occurred her childhood because she is such an accomplished liar. Nothing she says can be trusted. This is also why she is so harmful to the cause of justice. You cannot seek justice with false claims. I realize she LOOKS beautiful and SOUNDS sincere and sympathetic – which is why many people WANT to believe her… but really she has made that impossible.

Sooooo…according to Dolezal, instead of “orange” …“Rachel is the new black”!

Damned if this woman didn’t catfish an entire race! Jeeeeeeez’!
The Learning Channel proudly presents: “The Rachel Dolezal Story”

What the hell is “identifying” as a race? Can I now identify my Irish American self into Japanese? Hey, if I identify as American Indian I might get some of that casino money.

I’m now going to identify as American Indian. The Tulalips have a bang up casino. That’s probably $2000 a month.

Well, allrighty then.

The more that comes out about this person the more it seems that she has some serious psychological problems. It may not be a big deal inn terms of her tenure at the NAACP but there are some serious issues emerging about her state of mind.

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Does it show good character to lie repeatedly about one’s accomplishments to advance one’s career? She embellished her resume, glorifying her job titles and creating a narrative about herself that she’d overcome such hardship – raised in a teepee and being forced to hunt for food with a bow and arrow, when in fact she was raised in a middle class home. Sheesh – I do not understand why anyone would bend over backwards to defend this person. She is a walking mess of lies and deceit who is not helping african americans’ fight for justice and dignity. She’s making everyone look like idiots for believing her in the first place-- and even more so when they continue to defend the indefensible. At some point, not only will she have to be held accountable, but every institution that promoted her will have to answer for their failure to recognize the con artist right in front of their faces. Its just depressing that people are twisting themselves into knots trying to justify what she has done – and with such ridiculous arguments. SHe stated in a interview after the story broke that she “doesn’t give a SHIT about what people think.” Yes – on that one statement, I do believe her.


What an unhappy, dysfunctional family. Ms. Dolezal, incidentally, may not be consciously lying. She may so divorced from reality that she actually believes she’s black. Although many have condemned her as a liar, I think the more appropriate response is compassion and some Christian charity.


What’s a brother to do?
He won’t cover for her, either any longer or now that it is an issue and she ought to respect that. She’s caught and it isn’t his fault and no way it ever could’ve been.

Its just a matter of time now, the whole truth will come out and likely won’t be good for anyone. The parents seem to have that fundie freak thing going on and the adopted brothers are part of a big family mess, Rachel is something, not sure what, but its not going to wind up well for her and the NAACP is going to have to bite the bullet and face the reality of this, she is misrepresenting herself and they are backing a phony which hurts their cred.

Rachel could just be her white self and care about the black cause, but I think that she’s working it for fame and fortune.

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A great thing about America is the chance to have a personal reinvention, or two, or three. She is trying out the Black Experience and making a go of it. Until reality intervened. Good luck to her if she can pull it off. Passing for black may be even harder than passing for white, and there have been many instances of that historically.

Exactly, she has made stuff up about people too. Just a completely deranged person, and for the NAACP to stand by her is a joke.

None of all of that has been in the text of any TPM articles. Piss poor journalism, bait articles. I read the first article, went to a link then went to other articles. She made stuff up about other people, her family, and even filed false police reports. Yet if you read the TPM story, all she did was lie about being black.

I seriously doubt there was corporal punishment. She claimed she was beaten by a baboon whip. As noted in the article, those whips leave permanent scars. They were used on slaves. She is lying her ass off, and accusing her parents of abusing her with whips. She’s f**ked up.

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it reminded me of the movie Soul Man 1986.


What about making up stories about crimes, and about her parents beating her with baboon whips. I don’t think that was being divorced from reality, I think she is a low life POS.

One of my favorites!

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At least J-Roc didn’t darken his skin, and curl and dye his hair!

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Who knows? Maybe she thought Melvin Van Peebles great flick “Watermelon Man” was a documentary:

Classic TPB episode!

If a kid falsely accuses their parents of using a baboon whip on them, yes, the parents should indeed speak out to defend themselves.

Plus it was the reporters who went to the parents anyway.

So if we are discussing motivation, what motivates a person to report false hate crimes, claim falsely they were whipped by their parents, and all the other depraved bullshit this woman did? Frankly, they should investigate those crime reports further now, and bust her. Not one of those “hate crimes” she reported had even one bit of evidence indicating they were true.

I hear you re: more than I should have. I found a news story based in Mississippi that provides a bit more perspective there.
Woman accused of lying about race has Miss. ties

[John M.] Perkins’ daughter Joanie Perkins-Potter, a local attorney, is a friend of Rachel’s who still speaks with her regularly.

She said Rachel is “definitely white.”

“She’s a young girl who came here really believing in social justice and wanting to make a change in the world,” Perkins-Potter said of Rachel’s time in Jackson, noting she remembers her interest in and identification with the city’s black community.

“I think she had an identity crisis, and it got worse and worse,” she said.

Also, Chicago, POV, you are right on the money with this statement:

One thing that stood out in the video was the parents response to the Q about litigation: “no comment.” That shut off discussion about that part, but I sensed that there’s more to that part of the story.

This CNN article has a few more details.

The adopted brother, now 21, said the Dolezals used “physical forms of punishment” and had sent his brother and sister away to group homes because they didn’t cooperate with the couple’s religion and rules. {emphasis mine}

Ezra Dolezal said the accusations of physical punishment were false.

So religion and rules and group homes were a part of the upbringing in that household.

This is a matter that’s both private and public. Private --an intra-family matter that’s splashed onto the larger scene; Very very public public–IDing as black when she isn’t, life stories that are either exaggerations or fabrications, and, biggest of all, as @thermitemartini says, “The entire black race & its history are a fashion statement to her. And she’s a professor in why that’s wrong.”

I’m keeping distance out of respect for the private, but am closely watching others’ responses to the blackface/appropriation – in order that I, a white person, can learn more.


“The NAACP has stood by Rachel in a statement that said, ‘One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership.’”

Yeah, but for a leadership position, shouldn’t there be at least a modicum of honesty?

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