Discussion: Broidy Subpoenas AP, Demands Names Of Sources Who Shared Hacked Emails

As with Drumpf’s announced meeting with ‘congressional leaders,’ this is another attempt to use the power of the US government for partisan gain in a cover up – in this case, to shield Broidy from the blowback from his using his influence with Drumpf to further the ambitions of the UAE and Saudi Arabia against Qatar, and, thereby, US military interests, for profit.
As Donnie would have it, he’s just ‘protecting himself,’ and claiming the right to overturn precedent, law and the constitution in order to do so. As if his interests transcend those of the public and the national welfare.
This is just overwhelmingly rotten: the machinery of federal power is being turned to protecting the privileges and power of partisans and their associated profiteers. It’s essentially a slow motion coup.
ETA: I’d think the analogous precedent of the Pentagon Papers would make Broidy’s subpoena a dead letter, but I’m not so sure now.


He raw dogs because conforms won’t stay on; prick too small. It wasn’t Broidy who knocked up the Playboy Bunny.