GOPsplaning at its finest.
Just to keep some equivalence on the subject…its a bigger issue than just with GOP commentors.
Eugene Robinson was commenting last night on the historical nature of last night…and he went with “this is really historical…imagine, Bill will become the First Gentleman…We have never had that.”…then after a bit of a pause “Hillary will be the first Woman President”
I was like…really?? Your lead is…that we will have a First Gentleman…not that we could potentially have the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT??
Same thing with the slew of papers across the country on Wed Morning after Hillary received the official nomination running pictures of…Bill…Obama…even Bernie…and not her. WTF people? Is it really that hard for people in the media who work side by side with women on a daily basis, to wrap their head around the concept of a WOMAN being President??
Said Brit, fondling his novelty Hillary nutcracker.
Soooooo … Right wing men don’t like the sound of a powerful woman who knows her shit … how is this even news to anyone?
If Fox News and Brit had been around in the 80s, they would have waxed rhapsodic over the Queen of Hectoring, Lecturing Tone: Mrs. Thatcher.
Although? In consideration? Trump has a handicap.
Must be difficult to actually smile when your mouth resembles an anus.
Or better, “Is that all there is?”
Yeah, that’s a dude’s job.
I watched Hillary’s speech and what I saw and heard was an experienced leader willing and eager to go to work for our country. All the MSM can talk about is ‘did she go far enough’ to show her personal side, and how she’s not the accomplished speaker others before her had been. WTF? These are judgments and criticisms that would not be placed on a man.
If a man with her resume was running, people would be doing backflips of joy. The media just can’t help themselves in feeling that they have to find every little flaw so they have something to talk about to fill empty air time…
I dream of a day when Presidential Nominees are not judged by the color of their tone, but by the character of their content.
Actions speak louder than words … Brit —
Really Brit, really? Is that all you’ve got? In that case, Hillary gets an A+!
Voice schmoice.
Lighten up Brit. You actually have much more funny in you than you’re aware of!
Sharp lecturing tone? It didn’t come off that way to me. But then again, I haven’t spent the last 10+ years working in a place where it was assumed women had to blow Roger Ailes in order to move up the ladder.
But Sarah was Huuuuummmmble!
Deep penetrating analysis from the talking empty heads at Fox. So predictable. So pathetic.
Thanks for mansplaining Hillary’s speech to us; it speaks volumes…about you.
Um. Criticizing a woman’s tone again.
Did those men ever complain about Trump’s when-will-this-ever-end demagogue yelling in his acceptance speech?
Speaking of tone, if the dead could speak they would all sound just like Brit Hume.