Discussion: Brit Hume, Former Dem Rep. Clash Over New Benghazi Email (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222367

Britt Humus lays another trowel of paste, onto his stellar reputation as a journalist. Meanwhile Jane Harman, not unlike Nancy Pelosi, has a bigger ‘set’ on set.


Fox News: All Benghazi, All The Time!™


To paraphrase Eric Lewis’s excellent ‘Animal Nuz’ comic -

When Obama comes along -
You Benghazi!
Before your lies get proven wrong
You Benghazi!

Go Forward!
Move Ahead!
Lie your ass off!
Try to inject it!
Smear Clinton!
It’s not too late!
Benghazi! Benghazi Good!


Brit Hume is a total cement head in the employ of another cement head, Roger Ailes. Cement heads cannot be expected to think, so we should cut them some slack and send them to a sanitarium.


This is what happens to a party which is out of ideas and lacks any vision for the country whatsoever. They latch onto “conspiracy” theories, no matter how bizarre those theories are to the rest of the world. They want us to believe that the Obama administration “conspired” to make the country believe the Benghazi attack was brought on by a video. And then they attempted to cover up the fact that they conspired to make us believe that.

If there was such a conspiracy, why did the President say, just 2 days after the attack, that it was an act of terror? Quite the coverup!

All I can say to the GOP at this point is: Please, proceed.

This is not going to end well for them.


Geez…really, FOX? How’s that horse…Still dead?


Brit’s purely partisan, hardly an objective reporter. He belongs on Fox.


The economy added 288,000 jobs and Wall street again went the the roof and the unemployment rate fell to 6.3. Republcians cannot talk about the economy, they want to derail any and all news of the recovery.


The truth does not matter. Every conservative pundit, and
GOP operative knows if they can just keep the name BENGHAZI
in the headlines every low information voter will have doubts
about how it was handled.


Wow. One would think that of all Democrats, the war monger Harman would be given deferential treatment by the Fascist Oligarchical Xenophobe network.


Jane Harmon still using talking points she used about the Bush Administration lying us into a war with Iraq. This is not an 'intelligence failure" Ms. Harmon, this is a made up “cover-up” by Brit Hume and his buddies who are obsessed with their hatred for Pres. Obama wanting to bring him down while setting the stage for 2014 and 2016. Call them out for who they are. Republicans have nothing, so they have to play their sick malevolent games purely for political gain!!


Brit Hume is doing what he is told to do by those writing his handsome paycheck. Most likely he knows the truth, but look where he works. Standing up for truth is difficult when you’re paid to spread twaddle over the airwaves.


“You’re right, there wasn’t a conspiracy in the United States to mount the Benghazi attack,” Hume responded.

funny how there’s always a “tell” in someone who knows something. when mitt romney rushed to the mikes the night this happened. he was faster than the news cable wires.

did he know this was going to happen???
& is this cheney’s “throw behinds” in the CIA.


“How did it happen?”

Let me see…according to The Guardian, who were on site, there were protests over the anti-Islamic video when a couple jeep loads of armed men showed up and attacked the compound. Susan Rice’s talking points were based upon this information. FOX New’s initial reports were based upon this information. CNN’s initial reports were based upon this information. EVERYONE’S INITIAL REPORTS WERE BASED UPON THIS INFORMATION!

Wow…talking points based on actual information!


Exactly. It looks like the economy may not be a favorable issue for Republicans this year and it’s obvious that Obamacare isn’t the " train wreck " they predicted so they’re having to resort to their default issue against the President and Democrats.


Yeah, considering that they like to call themselves the family values party, the business party and the war party, it doesn’t say much good about them that all they talk about is a disproven conspiracy that on it’s face isn’t nearly as bad as the real embassy attacks that happened under Republican Presidents.
Reagan lost 243 by protecting those Marines with unloaded weapons and bush had so many, 50 some with attacks in the teens I believe, that they make Benghazi seem insignificant, which it isn’t, because Americans died.
But all the Repubs focus on is scoring cheap political points by inventing ways to blame and ignoring the history of the inherent dangers involved and their own massive failures.

The Republicans are worse than useless and worse than gutless, they are the USA’s biggest problem.


Put that on a bumper sticker, because more people need to hear it AND see it!

Ben Rhodes memo? “There is no “there” there.” Nothing to see. Move along. (Sheesh, talk about grasping at straws…)

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Brit Hume = Paid propagandist