Discussion: Brian Williams Told A Far Different Story About Iraq RPG Attack In 2007

Discussion for article #232902

Fu-fu-fu-fucking liar.


Dear Brian,

Time to pursue other interests. Like, maybe, the truth. Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out.




Who really cares?

He’s a “trusted” newsreader, and many do.

I haven’t for a while and it seems I was justified.

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This is a story of corruption. We all tell tales of things we have seen, sometimes placing ourselves closer to danger than we were. But he is a newsman, cooking up stories in a war zone that was one big lie – weapons of mass destruction, shock and awe, mission accomplished. The news should be precious. For newsmen like Geraldo and now Williams to personally benefit from a scene in which actual people are actually dying – it’s shabby.

It could have been me inflating that incident. And maybe it makes him feel better about sitting at anchor desk, away from fire, to imagine a bullet coming close to him. The news has become corporatized and untrustworthy, and he has worsened the relationship.

I’ll also mention that Williams is way more show biz than previous top anchors, dropping in on John Stewart and Jimmy Fallon and making his ironic smirks. All that is fine if he tells the truth on a reliable basis. But here, we see that he does not.


He does not know why he told the egregious lie but its very clear why he is admitting it.
His lies have been called out by America’s servicemen no less. This is like double disgraceful.

Brian Williams, known liar.


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An Hour Later

crew members on the 159th Aviation Regiment’s Chinook told Stars and Stripes that Williams was not on board the helicopter that was hit.

They said that Williams arrived an hour after the helicopter that was hit had landed.

Now look at two of his explanations, implying he was in harms way:

“I said I was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by RPG fire. I was instead in a following aircraft.”

"Not long after Wayne’s warning, some men on the ground fired an RPG through the tail rotor of the chopper flying in front of ours. There was small arms fire. "

These are attempts to place him in harms way, even though he was an hour behind: I was instead in a following aircraft — an RPG through the tail rotor of the chopper flying in front of ours.

They can’t fire him fast enough


All I know about the Iraq War is that a lot of people died and suffered greatly for no reason, it cost trillions of dollars, and that Halliburton made shitloads of money on it thanks to Dick Cheney. Everything else, including this article, appears subject to occasional revision.


He’s always got his rap career to fall back on


NBC and Brian Williams haven’t met a war in the 21st century they didn’t cheerlead. Brian just had a shiny combat story he wanted to tell.

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Guess he missed the class on Journalistic Integrity.

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He had trouble remembering the lie he told in 2015 to cover the lie he told in 2007 about a lie he’s been telling since 2003? Why is he telling stories at all? He’s suppose to report the news not make it up as he goes along and make himself the center of the action.

Take away his journalism degree. Take away his golden parachute if he finally finds the courage to resign in disgrace. He’s not even a media whore. He’s a media fraud.


Brian Williams: known valor thief.

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There are all kinds of ways to tarnish a career. This one is right up there. Just all kinds of stupid.

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He’s perfect for Fox Noise!

Wasn’t Brian in the UFO balloon with UFO Balloon Boy?

TPM, why do you an others in the media repeat William’s assertion that this was an error. A repeated fabrication, a flat out lie, cannot be considered an error.

Yup. It’s in the same category as, “I accidentally stabbed my wife. Seventeen times.”