Discussion: Brent Bozell's For America Bashes Jeb For Giving Hillary Clinton An Award

ofcourse they attacked clinton and the president over bengahzi what else do they have t9 do b…but for some reason i didnt hear a peep out those same people about the republicon congress denying the state dept the $30,000,000 it asked for to bolster security at our consulates and embassies … not a friggin critisizm of comment…srtange how that works out for them huh??/

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Well, hopefully the nation will come to its senses, but Walker survived the recall in a state where the halls of government were physically occupied by those who opposed his draconian policies…

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Yet the good people of Wisconsin re-elected him for four more years of the same.

Bush has a long road to hoe before he wins over the tea party, if he ever does. I think the Bush strategy is going to be more aimed at making them look irrelevant, as opposed to the Romney approach of trying to be everything to everybody.

Which in turn is going to force Walker to the right, and into the TP trap. The question is, will the Establishment succeed in defanging the TP before the voting starts?


It’s a false equivalency by the hard Right to present Hillary as just as out of touch and elitist as Jeb.

at least another four years of Obama’s policies –

That’s nothing more than the third term Obama is going to have which the asshats have been predicting all along.


Jebbie for many years poked his nose into the bush administrations asking for favors, recommending appointments including someone for SCOTUS and much more that will emerge as we go along. So Jebbie in his own way has never been out of touch.


Cute slogan. But if you follow it you’re going to have a GOP’er president with a GOP’er Congress. If that suits you keep up the Clinton bashing.

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Calling Bozell a hack is not accurate. He and his dad have been highly popular with wingnuts going back to the John Birch days. Brent was recognized as the Man of the Year by CPAC, I think it was, a little while back. He’s had major dinners in his honor attended by the usual suspects who toss $5-10K into the pot (one of his PACs or “nonprofits”). In other words, everyone on the far right knows who he is.

Bozell putting money behind his hatred for Jebbie does, in fact, matter. Hope he keeps it up. It damages Bush with the general electorate. But remember, the RW all hated George, too, before his inevitability caused 'em to enthusiastically jump on board. Limbaugh turned on a dime when it was time for him to bring the rabble on board for GWB. As did Bay Buchanan, as did Brent Bozell. It’s what they do–bitch during the primaries, then go all in on the legacy, big-money-vacuuming, behind-the-scenes bargainer who they know is the smart “centrist” choice.


Bozell doesn’t care what it does for them. He’s got to keep up appearances for his donor base.

I think you and Downriver Dem misunderstood me. Maybe I wasn’t clear: I was calling out the right-wingers who say, “No more Bushes or Clintons.”

As if we’ve already had enough of Clinton.

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They keep fucking winning elections though.

I hope they’re both unelectable.

I know…largely because they’ve rigged the system to such a degree that it’s hard for them to lose most elections.

Bozell is the nephew of William F Buckley. He has a long list of involvements in conservative causes,check out his wijipedia entry to see just how inconsequential he has been…


I know the conservatives don’t like Jeb, but they will all hold their noses and vote for him.

Jeb is unelectable because he has embraced the same gang of war criminals that lead us into the Iraq war. I don’t think he has a chance in hell if he keeps affiliations with Wolfowitz and the rest of the Neo-Cons.

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We need a 3-peat SuperPAC to run President Obama for 2016…

If for nothing else it would cause mass hysteria, strokes, ruptured blood vessels, im/ex-ploded heads among the right -minded…

and we could probably make $$$$$$$$ selling protective gear, snake oil , gas masks , and backpacks full of seeds and insurance.

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It’s hard to lose when no one but the most rabid of the rabid base shows up, and those who could turn things around take a snooze. Mitten’s 47% slam became the catchphrase, but there’s also this number: 36.3%. That’s how many voters showed up in 2012. A government of, for and by all of the 36.3%


“The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

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I’d like to see who For America does see as somebody who is electable. Do they mean unelectable in the primaries? Or nationally? Unfortunately for the GOP the former is inversely proportional to the latter as far as electability goes.

Also, Benghazi - LOL

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